That Tree

What is the significance of the tree known in the Garden of Eden, as the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”? The title, and character of – “That Tree” holds a mystery in itself.

Man/Adam and Eve, lived in a different realm inside the Garden of Eden, but released another realm after eating from – “That Tree”.

Evil was not roaming the Garden; in fact, Lucifer was in the Garden, but was not known as Satan for a time. He was known as “the Light Bearer/Morning Star of Heaven, according to the meaning of his name, and was given charge of Heavenly worship and praise to God in Heaven, and the Garden – (Ezekiel 28:13-15), and – (Isaiah 14:12). Evil, who is Satan hadn’t surfaced, he wasn’t always there in the capacity we know most about him, and – “That Tree” didn’t have — that name.

God created everything, and said it was Very Good – (Genesis 1:31); completing the sixth day. So, the question is, when did evil find its way into the Garden, and inside – “That Tree”, given its name, because it was bypassed, never mentioned at the end of the sixth day when God looked upon ALL He made and say it was Very good; but something happened for God to say to Adam, eat of everything in the Garden but not from – “That Tree”. When did God tell that to Adam? Was it as soon as Adam was created? I believe not. I believe there’s a gap – (Genesis 2:7-9), and sometime between that gap, I believe Lucifer was cast down onto the Earth becoming Satan, and bound in –“That Tree”; somewhere between – (Genesis 2:7)-(Genesis 2:8), and – (Genesis 2:9).

“That Tree”, evidently housed something in its fruit, and notably, because of its name which defined it, for some reason, not very good; obviously different, as so, Adam was advised with a command to stay clear, and certainly don’t eat thereof – (Genesis 2:15-17). What happened!!! What happened between – (Genesis 1:31) and – (Genesis 2:17)?

It’s my belief, the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” somehow became an entity within itself, and grew into an existence, a realm which became present in the Garden, and in contrast, harnessed a captured, and defeated foe of God seething inside its core, and all around it; existing parallel with the spiritual realm which Adam and Eve were living, and unknown to them – “That Tree”, was a prison, housing the likes of the fallen angle now known as Satan, that was responsible for its enchantment.

Is this the place Satan ended up after his bout with God – (Luke 10:18) – (Revelation 12:7-9), and – (Ezekiel 28:17); entrapped, locked up, suspended inside an evil black hole tucked inside Eternity’s existence, helpless, unable to escape unless released; which only Adam’s disobedience could make happen – (Genesis 2:17)?
Satan, feasibly could branch no further than – “That Tree”; he had no access of roaming the Garden as he did as Lucifer.

Was – “That Tree”, a test for Adam and Eve’s faith in God, because God did not force the two to love Him, but now there’s a choice since it’s a Satan in the Garden with the pair.
And even though God made them both male and female in His image and likeness, plus gave Man dominion over everything – (Genesis 1:26-28)? What was it about – “That Tree”?

“That Tree”, evidently had invisible Gates that locked up Satan, and to eat of it unlock the gates that are similar to the foundation holding the earth in place.
Evil was cast down onto Earth into – “That Tree”. Sin would be the disobedience eating of its fruit, as we all know now, and it loosed Satan. Its lure was so tempting to Eve; but hers and Adam’s boldness, and their punishment for eating of its fruit, introduced sin and death into the world – (Genesis 2:17).

This death was not an immediate physical death, but an instantaneous spiritual one. The Spiritual Realm was no longer Man’s dominant existence. Man separated himself from God for the allegiance of Satan, thus began the secular/physical realm of existence we know today that God is soon to terminate.

The curses God pronounced onto Adam and Eve was an explanation of what they’d released which was bottled up inside – “That Tree”, the knowledge of evil/Satan, but also the acknowledgement/knowledge of good; which was the announcement of Jesus with the fix; Jesus, the seed of Mary – (Genesis 3:15).
All that, and – That Tree’s curse being released at the same time. hence, That Tree’s title — the knowledge of good/Jesus, and the knowledge of evil/Satan.

I don’t believe Adam, Eve, and Satan happened to meet up at –”That Tree”. I believe Satan was already in it, and – “That Tree”, had some kind of eerie attraction to it that intrigued Eve, that appeared harmless.

So, what is the significance of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,” – “That Tree”? It contained the way life is today — broken, and a reverse of what it was supposed to be.
Our world today is a mutation of – “That Tree”; the evil from it — Satan, and the good from it — Jesus. Everything of this world including us are the fruit of –”That Tree” … Oh! but Jesus.


Word of note: Is this subject controversial? Yes. Does it strike down what’s being taught? Yes. But for me it’s more believable then saying sin was in Heaven before Man introduced it, confusing the Church with something counter.
Evil is in the heart, but sin is disobedience to the law – (1st John 3:4).
Scripture tells us that sin was brought into the world by one man – (Romans 5:12). That world at the time was the spiritual realm, but the antidote for sin also is from of one man – (Romans 5:17), the world since the fall, the world we live — the physical realm.

I’m going to believe what is written and why – “That Tree”, had — that name, and what – “That Tree”, I believe caught, because Earth was Very good, not partially good – (Genesis 1:31).
God could not have looked over all He created and say it was Very good if – “That Tree”, with — that title, existed after day six. As for me, God would be riddling me, and that He just will not do; no, and will never do, because what would He profit.
God did not create the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”, it happened.
“That Tree”, had a problem. Don’t eat of its fruit God warned, it’s not your concern, and it will kill you. So, don’t worry about it. That should have been enough said, but who is God to say, says Adam and Eve? And that my friends is the same mindset within the lost today.




Author: Gaidi

I’m a believer, born again/saved, and trust God. This was not always the case. What happened to me is what non-believer's choose not to believe; I know because I was one of them. The lie is part of all non-believer's DNA if they know it or not, and the truth is a new DNA you inherit when the lie is removed once saved, which is stated in that all too good to be true statement, in the twinkling of an eye found in the Bible. Also believe it or not, I’m no preacher, Deacon, Trustee, Elder, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelists or any who’s who title carrier of the church, I'm just a disciple of God/Jesus doing obedience which in my opinion covers all the above. If you want, you can reach me at or

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