The physical world in the scope of things

Our physical world is an exclusive neighborhood where only flesh and blood resides. There’s no other place like it and it exists on a planet called Earth.

God put it here for his pleasure (Revelation 4:11) and trust me, it’s not His only pleasure, but it is and forever will be for His enjoyment.

A segment of God’s physical world (us) for quite a while has gone awry because of an outside interference called Satan who bought the opposing will of God called sin into play, and now because of sin and its deadly nature the battle is on between God and Satan over creation even though God created Satan; his name was Lucifer once upon a time, but all this was bought about because of a couple called Adam and Eve and their choice to be disobedient to God because of doubt.

This couple’s decision of disobedience bought Satan into the mix affecting everything since, so now God is not pleased. What was for His pleasure has now become a throne.

Satan running rampant is injecting more of his influence into the circle then what God ever wanted but not ignorant too; this was no surprise.

Meanwhile God’s pleasure went about things as if they were not influenced by any force, but in reality they which is us are, but lack understanding.

This physical world and all that’s in it is supposed to please God but Satan and his group of followers are causing so much havoc that God destroyed the whole thing once and was leaning toward destroying the whole thing a second time but was convinced by the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) not too because some pieces of this physical world can change if given the chance but they need to be able to make a choice and know they have one in spite of Satan because they don’t know, so, the Son, the Word (John 1-4), Jesus said let that choice be Me, send Me and all who receives Me Father, see them as You see Me and give them new birth by replacing their sin nature with our nature as being born again.

God has put a limit on how long He’s going to put up with Satan and his influence now that Jesus has made the sacrifice and there’s a choice, and that choice is to be part of what God wanted when He said it was good in the beginning. (Genese1:31)

This is what’s going on folks, except it or not, we’re all influenced as long as we’re in the physical world by the forces of good and evil, there’s no exception. There’s a spiritual world existing parallel with this physical world and wants to have a say about things but can only do so through us.

Our limited minds don’t see it like that because we feel this physical world is all there is because of the deceptive concept taught concerning the Big Bang theory, and how many believe that actually it’s the center and cause of creation. To the spiritual world, we’re no more than fish in a pond in the scope of all reality that includes eternity, and Scripture says nothing but a vapor of smoke, (James 4:14). But us going up like smoke is not the end for us in God’s plan because of Jesus’ finished works at the cross, and God’s plan will be fulfilled. That plan was His Creation and all its parts existing, and being for His pleasure, dwelling with Him forever and Satan’s not invited. The day for the fix is coming soon, as a matter of fact sooner then you and most think.

So where is the physical world in the scope of things? Well some of it will again be part of the original plan of God which He felt was very good in the beginning when everything was created, (Luke 13:23,24) but the majority will go by the way of Satan and share his fate.

Satan will have success taking the majority of God’s pleasure to Hell with him unless you’re part of the minority blessed to be on that short list, the list that has your name written on it with the blood of Jesus.


Thank you Jesus

We hear often and we’re taught by the Word to be thankful in all we do, do all things in thanksgiving. We’re to thank God for everything and every moment. But have you ever thought being thankful and thanking the Lord is not enough. The Hebrews felt the same way when they left Egypt and got exposed to the law, (The 10 Commandments and more.)

We all at some point have experienced some sort of unmerited favor accompanied with blessings from our Lord, (non-believers call it luck) so we feel being thankful is not enough. We feel it shouldn’t be that easy and simple, we feel we should be doing more. But what can we do for Jesus our Lord and Savior…Nothing. He’s done it all; remember on the cross, “It is finish.” What Jesus has done and does for us we didn’t earn and don’t deserve so there’s nothing left but a simple thank you.

Jesus told us to love God and people as He loves us, (Mark 12:30 and John15:12) and have faith, but sometimes our blessings are so great we feel it’s just not enough…. Here’s where I’ll try to explain.

Here’s what happens when we give thanks. We’re acknowledging who’s over us, the power that brings forth what is good that can’t be explained, He’s called God if you didn’t already know. God blesses us if we give thanks or not, or know it or not because the blessings are a gift from Him, it’s His Grace and they’re not negotiable, but they are ours for the taking if we acknowledge Him or not. God is not obligated to do anything for us, but He is obligated to keep His Word and His Word which is the Holy Bible has us in mind first period, we win, we don’t and can’t lose with Jesus.

Our Lord and Savior needs nothing from us, not even a thank you, but that simple thank you carries a lot of weight and a lot of power. It acknowledges our love and surrender to God and unleashes the supernatural wonders from Heaven and all of its power carrying with it the love of Jesus who is the author of this purpose, (Hebrews 12:2) for those who seek.

Being thankful for things not yet seen releases the power to make them come to pass. Being thankful for things already obtain acknowledges who’s responsible for the provisions. Being thankful is an acknowledgment of our surrender to self. Being thankful acknowledges where our faith lies, where our hope begins, where our confidence, courage and strength exists. Being thankful shows our humbleness. Being thankful let’s our soul and body know who we are, and that’s in Christ who runs the show. Being thankful shows our gratitude that we have a Lord and Savior and his name is Jesus…Get the picture.

Being thankful is huge in the eyes of our Lord, it’s everything and more. It makes Him want to grab you and just love you, love you, and love you which He already does by the way. But being thankful shows it’s not one-sided. So don’t cheapen, dilute, or diminish the power and Jesus’ love by holding back this simple phrase, “Thank you Jesus”. It creates more than meets the eye with what you could ever imagine.
