You are what you eat.

I’m sure many of us have heard the term which I’m using for a title, and I bet you never gave it a lot of thought, especially until now since I’m about to talk about it. If you think that statement is meaning what you put into your mouth, then your thinking of this statement needs expanding and that’s just what I’m going to try and do.

To eat will envolve one of our five senses located under the taste category, knowing that, we can say you’re the results what your five senses have taken in and filed, they make you, you, and has a lot to say about who you are and what you’ve become. What you see and what you hear plays a huge part as well in what others see radiating from you.

Again, eating is consuming and we consume with more than our mouths. We consume what we watch, and what we listen to as well. We’re what we surround ourselves with, what we watch on TV or at the movies, or play on the video games machines and the kind of music we listen to, these are the things we eat. These are the things that shape our lives, and these are the things that we emulate and desire. Here’s the money question. If you’re born-again saved, we must ask ourselves would Jesus be doing those things with us and enjoying them, would Jesus eat those things, because if Jesus wouldn’t, neither should we, and don’t try use the cop-out that Jesus is in Heaven and you are on Earth and have the right to poison yourself at times or is it more like most of the time.

Part two but keep the above thought.

Philosophers especially Ayn Rand tell us that existence exists. She speaks of the existence only known by her five senses. Once upon a time man’s five senses told him that the world was flat, but one having faith to think outside of what he could see, hear, taste, smell or touch changed everything. If Jesus lives today, (and He does, but the people who believe the world is flat will not), and you believe that, then you’re admitting to a parallel existence, that there’s an existence you can see and one you can’t. (I’ve touched on this briefly in another post.) For the born-again saved who are living the new birth experience and not rejecting it, the proof of parallel existence is easy because they’ve experienced it. Question, why would one choose to die once exposed to the other Realm or existence rather than change back or cave in under pressure. Answer, because that realm which is not seen actually exist. You can believe the world is still flat if you want to but it’s not. Folks this is not a feeling it’s a happening, it’s happening now, and it’s not for outsiders looking in. It’s a gated community protected by the blood of Jesus. Once given your residents you start unpacking, moving in from one realm to the other too live this parallel existence, and part of this unpacking is that your diet changes, what you eat and consume changes. You’ve become a new creature to live this parallel existence and this new creature doesn’t live by bread alone, (Matthew’s 4:4) it wouldn’t survive in its new neighborhood with only five senses consumption.

When you see Christians who have changed and are looking good, and not spooky they’re consuming the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22, 23), they’re eating differently then you, and it has nothing to do with diet.
