Get Saved Now!

Those three words can turn off the majority, but those three words could strike the curiosity of those the Holy Spirit is telling to read on.

When people say they’re saved, they’re saying too, that they’re born-again, but for most we associate being-born again with religion, and religion turns people off. It turns God off to. For those who are still with me, stick around.

They’re plenty of so called good people out there who don’t want to displease God; they won’t contest that, yet they’re plenty of so called bad people out there too who don’t want to tempt God either and care less about how they live their lives — however some do have boundaries when it pertains to God because of religion, so their choice is to stay away. And some people are honest enough to admit they believe but can’t or don’t want to turn their lives around. They’ll claim maybe sometime in the future if at all when they get things together because they again don’t feel like being religious, and they’re right – being religious that is.

Because of religion many people have died and gone to Hell, plus many more will follow since they’re so many churches out there not helping matters, preaching condemnation to disguise control and greed, growing churches as family businesses, taking advantages of people where they’re the most vulnerable by manipulating their faith and confusing salvation, teaching it’s won or lost if disobedient to the brand.

I’m here to tell you now — getting saved/ born-again is a come-as-you-are invitation. It has nothing to do with religion, but with everything God wants for you, and His biggest want is for you not to be condemned to Hell, (2nd Peter 3:9). No one can earn their salvation no matter how good they think they are, and no one is so bad that God doesn’t love them and want to give it. That’s what’s so gracious and merciful about God. The thief on the cross alongside Jesus asked, Lord remember me? And Jesus answered, today you’ll be with me in Paradise, (Luke 23:42, 43). Read the thief’s request again. All the evil man did was believed — no religion, no water baptism, no tithes, and no works was needed, and so it is today; it’s just that simple.

The thief could not earn his salvation and neither can you or me; that’s the good thing. If we could earn it, then God would owe us, and He owes us nor any of His creation NOTHING. Creation was made for His pleasure, (Revelation 4:11). Salvation is a gift you have the choice to receive or reject. I’m saved because I asked to be, because I believe. I’m living forever with whatever Jesus has blessed me with that’s mine stored in Heavenly places waiting for me doing obedience so as not to lose them — starting now, (Ephesians 1:3), not after I’m dead, which religion teaches. And it’s not because I’ve stopped living life as I know it, it’s because I’m a new creature in Christ and living my life as I never thought possible, living my everlasting life right now with the help of the Holy Spirit and I’m not missing anything, in fact, I’m getting more with less effort. Part of that more is “Peace” with supernatural manifestations in everything I do from A to Z, and 7/24 and I’m elated, blessed, and highly favored since my redemption; free of condemnation. I keep away from religion, not praise, but religion. Glory be to God.

So, what’s the hold up, especially if you read this entire message and you’re not saved. Don’t play Russian Rolette with your life any longer, not for another moment, your next breath is not promised. Get Saved Now!


Word of note: Brother and sisters all caught up in sin and the sins of this world, lost, needing deliverance, healing, etc. not wanting to live the life you’re living, questioning everything because life is not fun anymore or what you thought it could be, lonely in heart and soul, afraid; then say this prayer out loud. Let Jesus in because He went to the cross and defeated those concerns, they’re all lies now, and all fixed because of Him.

Lord I know I’ve sinned against You, because I’m a sinner. I know that You lived, shed Your blood, died, was buried, and rose from the dead because You love me so. I confess my sins unto You because I believe it to be true. I want to be delivered from all unrighteousness as was promised by Your sacrifice on the cross. I want You to come into life, my heart, my mind; soul and spirit, to be my Lord and only Savior. I ask this of You precious Lord — in Your most holy, sacred, and blessed name, Jesus. Amen

If you said this simple prayer out loud and believe it, welcome to eternal life in the kingdom of God starting now with Jesus, and as a brand-new creature in Him with your slate wiped clean and all sins past present and future to be remembered no more. Simply put, born-again/saved. God bless you and your new birth walk.
