Official Review

Date: May 9, 2023 7:48 PM
Following is an official review of “Proverbs 4:7” by Gaidi.
5 out of 5 stars
Proverbs 4:7 by Gaidi is a series of letters illustrating the awareness and understanding of God. It’s the first volume of what will likely be a series. The 10-part book is a short, easy, and enjoyable read. It explores the themes of God, love, and spirituality.
The book is written in a series of letters according to what will be discussed. Each of the ten parts discusses God’s love and plan for his people in varying detail. It covers spiritual understanding, the importance of morning prayers, faith, spiritual growth, and the need for God in our everyday lives.
I love that the book brings a different perspective to understanding God, using Bible stories and verses to illustrate and explain each point. Each Bible story comes with the corresponding verses in the Bible, making for interesting reading. The writing style is simple and easy to understand. Also, the author ensured that all spiritual facts were relatable to the reader in a clarifying way. The writer also had, in a way, short summaries of some parts called “words of note.” These little nuggets picked out crisply what the reader needed to understand about that part. I enjoyed reading these nuggets, as they inspired me to implement what I had read.
The book was, in so many ways, an eye-opener and thought-provoking. The relatable examples would call the readers into deeper scrutiny of their spiritual lives. Such introspection would inevitably call for immediate action within the reader. The book inspires the reader to deepen their understanding of God and the importance of prayer.
There are a lot of things I liked about the book. For instance, one of the parts talks about the fact that everyone is an actor and only plays a role that they feel they can or should play. Everyone puts up a front before the whole world for different reasons. In other words, no one can honestly know anyone apart from God. I admire how the author explains that we shouldn’t put up such a front in God’s presence because he sees our hearts. It was so relatable to me and reminded me of the Biblical story of David.
Another place I loved was the last part of the book, which talks about what makes a man great. That part was quite insightful and beautifully written. It also provided excellent food for thought. It is a sharp reminder that we should always watch our actions and words because people are watching and are also learning.
I have nothing to dislike about the book. Also, the book is exceptionally edited, as I did not observe any errors, and my reading was very smooth. Therefore, I rate Proverbs 4:7 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend that believing Christians have a copy of this book because it can inspire and remind them of fundamental Christian principles and beliefs.
In addition, I recommend this book to audiences who like spiritually-themed books and are interested in improving their spiritual lives and growth.

On what day was Jesus crucified?

As Easter approaches, on what day was Jesus really crucified?

The Bible does not explicitly state on which day of the week Jesus was crucified. The two most widely held views are Friday and Wednesday. Some however, using a combination of both Friday and Wednesday, argue for Thursday as well.

Jesus said in (Matthew 12:40), “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Too, (Mark 8:31) says, that Jesus will be raised “after” three days. [For me, that means three full days, and three full nights, not partial days, and partial nights].

One of the principal arguments for Friday is found in (Mark 15:42), which notes that Jesus was crucified the day BEFORE the Sabbath — Preparation Day. Preparation day is BEFORE every Sabbath — every weekly, every High Day / High Holy Day /or Special Day Sabbath.

The Thursday argument expands on the Friday view also, but some argue that there are too many events, [some count as many as twenty] happening between Jesus’ burial Friday, and Sunday morning. This view points out that the only full day between Friday and Sunday was Saturday, the Jewish weekly Sabbath.

The Wednesday opinion states that there were TWO Sabbaths that week. This Wednesday viewpoint supports that the first “Sabbath” was [the Passover], a High day / High Holy Day / or Special Day Sabbath, separate from the seventh day of the week Sabbath – (Leviticus 16:29-31, and 23:24-32, 39).

Now, the High Day / High Holy Day / Special Day is not necessarily the seventh day of the week, but is a Sabbath as well, and no work is to be done.

Note that in (Luke 23:56), the women who had purchased spices AFTER the Sabbath, [the High Day / High Holy Day / Special Day Sabbath], returned; prepared the spices, then “rested on the Sabbath, [the weekly Sabbath]. The argument here is, they could not purchase the spices AFTER the Sabbath, yet prepare those spices BEFORE the Sabbath unless there were TWO Sabbaths.

With the two-Sabbath view, if Jesus was crucified on Thursday, then the High Holy Sabbath [the Passover] would have begun Thursday at sundown and ended at Friday sundown the beginning of the weekly Sabbath or Saturday. Purchasing the spices after the first Sabbath [Passover] would have meant they — the women, purchased them on Saturday and were breaking the Sabbath. [Complicated]

So, according to the Wednesday viewpoint, the only explanation that does not violate the biblical account of the women and the spices but holds to a literal understanding of (Matthew 12:40), is that Christ/Jesus was crucified on Wednesday. The Sabbath that was a High Day – (John 19:31) / High Holy day / Special Day, [Passover] occurred on Thursday, [Wednesday at sundown].

The women purchased spices [after that] on Friday; returned to prepare those spices that same day; they rested on Saturday, which was the weekly Sabbath, then brought the spices to the tomb early Sunday morning. Let’s do the math.

Jesus was buried near sundown on Wednesday, which began Thursday using the Jewish calendar — a High Day / Passover. So, Thursday night [night one]. Thursday day [day one], Friday night [night two], Friday day [day two], Saturday night [night three], Saturday day [day three]. We do not know exactly what time Jesus rose, but we do know that it was before sunrise on Sunday. He could have risen as early as just after sunset Saturday evening, which began the first day of the week to the Jews. The discovery of the empty tomb was made just at sunrise – (Mark 16:2), before it was fully light – (John 20:1).

[For me, I’ll let the Holy Bible define itself. God made it just that simple].

This article is a modification of “On what day was Jesus crucified”. You can read it in its entirety at –

Emphasis’ mine


Don’t be God’s nuclear waste

It’s a wonderful feeling to finally know who and what you, me, and us are. So, question, who are you, me, us and what?
We are a slice/breath of God – (Genesis 2:7), you can believe that or not.

Our eyes are windows we look out of. We don’t see what’s inside of us with them; for that matter, we’ve never seen our face, only a reflection of it; so, eyes see what’s outside of us; but know this, they’re also connected to another realm of existence; they’re the bridge prevailing over the other realm, and we’ll lose sight if we deny it’s not so, because our eyes jointly work for the realm we don’t see, and if we don’t see the relationship between the two realms; we’re blind, having eyes but can’t see – (Matthew 13:16,17). now let me get to the point.

There’s a battery suppling the energy to this vessel/container/house/tent/body called us, and without it, this vessel will cease operation, and flop dead. Our earthly house will wear out, but not the battery pushing it; it’s a reason why we feel we can do things as we once did, and recall things as if it just happened yesterday; all because of this battery.

This battery, or source of energy, fuels the universe as well, and a slice of it is what fuels you/me/us, and will continue producing its power until our house gets so critically deficient, it just can’t contain it anymore, and it leaves, but this battery; this power, that propels you/me/us is part of creation, and will continue as long as there’s creation. What I’m trying to get you to understand readers, is that this power operating us can’t end; because it’s more powerful than creation itself.

This energy is more powerful then the Suns, the Moons, the Stars, the Planets, and the Galaxies combined, and the name of this massive power is called the Spirit/soul, and it’s on loan to this tent, and will return to its source clean, or dirty eventually.

This dirty energy is waste; just like nuclear waste, and nuclear waste takes what we’ll call forever to stop producing its power, so it must be contained because it’s endless, and uncontained it’ll only destroy; and as I mentioned, the energy running us also powers the universe, and will never cease, because the source of this energy that powers the universe is God — it’s His, and one day soon, He’s getting rid of the waist. The signs are apparent, obvious, and clearly visible – (Matthew 24:21,22).

God has a place for this waste product so it’ll never contaminate or destroy what’s He’s created moving forward ever again. God’s perfect nuclear waste dump is called HELL.
Don’t be surprised, because Man has nuclear waste dumps here on Earth that we try our best to keep from contaminating life moving forward, but what about the Spirit of Man? What about this slice/breath of God inside of each and every one of us running our show making us a living soul – (Genesis 2:7)? Has it been cleaned, and scrubbed with the blood of Jesus — the only decontaminant for the Spirit, or is it, and will be “God’s nuclear waste”?

Make that choice before your body quits; shuts down, and that battery inside of your vessel on lone, your Spirit – remember, returns to its source/God not cleansed by the decontaminating blood of Jesus so that your forthcoming instructions at that time will be celebrated, and not dim — (Matthew 10:28).


God does not allow evil

Evil came into the world because of Adam and Eve, not God. Their actions altered their DNA, and forced God’s Hand. What they ate hid a part of them; it became lost as if it was removed. What they ate made them see things that they never saw before, [ nakedness ] – (Genesis 3:7a), had them feel like they’ve never felt before, [ shame, and guilt ] – (Genesis 3:7b), had them act like they’ve never acted before, [ afraid ] – (Genesis 3:8-10), had them blame; be gutless, and prideful when they never were before – (Genesis 3:12). These things are not of God, but are contradictions of God; called sin/evil, and Adam and Eve induced it into their DNA by eating from That Tree – (Genesis 3:11). Subsequently, this evil DNA/sin nature, has evolved ever since.

God did do something about Sin. He said it has a price, and that price is death – (Genesis 2:17), and – (Romans 6:23). this is something He never wanted to happen. Due to that incident, God has explained what Man must do because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, and it’s written inside the Holy Bible, but we/Man won’t do it, so evil increases throughout the generations. Scripture tells us on one occasion, evil had gotten so bad, that only one man – Noah, with the total of eight people out of an entire planet of people where fit — not perfect, to carry God’s creation of mankind forward – (Genesis 6:9).

It may appear God’s allowing evil while He waits for a number of the Gentile to be met. [ This number is known by God, and is to happen any time after the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus; also known as the Gospel ] – (Romans 11:25). God also said, as it was in the days of Noah. it would be again, [ Take a good look at the signs of the times our world is in today. ] – (Matthew 24:37- 39) — why, because Noah and his family had the same sin nature handed down/inherited to them from Adam and Eve, only this time, there will be more than some eight people whom God will save, because He’s wiping out all those that willingly keep their sin nature rather than give it up. How’s that done you ask? Jesus. Receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior – (Romans 10:13), and after that, the number of the Gentiles being met – (Romans 11:25), and after that, the Rapture – (1st. Thessalonians 4:16,17), and – (1st. Corinthians 15:51,52), is the sequence.

God will change your DNA from the sin nature to what it was before the fall of Adam and Eve just by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, because Jesus paid the price for everyone’s sin debt so that we don’t have to while He was Crucified on the Cross. The shed blood of Jesus forgave us from all sin, plus cleansed us from all wickedness – (1st John 1:7-9). This wickedness is the sin nature. “God does not allow evil,” Man does. If God allows evil, we have no right to ask Him too be delivered from it – (Matthew 6:13), but He had a plan for such a choice made by the only creature He gave free will, and He implemented it. That plan was Jesus, and His finished works of the Cross – (John 19:30).

I can’t explain how in just a few short paragraphs, but God is sincere when He said, the only way to Him because of evil, which is in the sin nature of Man, is through His Son Jesus, again – (Romans 10:13), meaning: by receiving Jesus, God looks at you as He/Jesus, and not as a cursed individual.

We’ll all have residue after receiving Christ as Lord and Savior, but not working on it can get you caught up again from what you’ve been delivered. There will be a price to pay — a worldly price, but the spiritual price will have been paid for, and sealed – (Ephesians 1:13), and all of us are Spirits, with a soul; living in a physical body – (1st. Thessalonians 5:23).

Blame the way we think, and what we imagine for the evil in this world, not God – (Genesis 6:5). You can’t do anything that you haven’t imagined first, and if your imagination contradicts God’s Word, don’t blame Him for the consequences that’ll follow – (James 1:13-16) God has nothing to do with our thoughts that contradict His Word because of the free will we’ve been given to be for, or against Him. It’s our choice to choose evil, and it has an effect on everything from nature, to those that are innocent. Many of you have heard me say, man-made problems have man-made solutions, but it’s Man’s innate nature of sin, and his choice to choose it over good that is evil, and gets in the way – (Romans 1:32). Judge yourself, not God – (1st. Corinthians 11:31).


Word of note: God gave dominion of this World to Man – (Genesis1:26), not spirits. God is a Spirit – (John 4:24). Quit blaming God for the wickedness, evil, and unbalanced nature in and of this world.


Jesus was not poor

(Ecclesiastes 9:16) says, A poor man’s Wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard. Let’s take a look at this word DESPISE for a moment: It also means, undervalued, neglected, knock down, rejected, have no use for; ignored Etc.

Jesus was initially declared poor because of His residence — being raised in Nazareth of Galilee, He was grouped as a peasant boy living in a peasant Village, even though His Earthly father Joseph, and eventually Himself, were Carpenters.

Jesus was educated. You needed money to be educated in those days. Skilled workers were highly respected. People needed their skills and products to live comfortably; skilled people who were builders, stonemasons [stonecutters], woodcarvers, boatbuilders, goldsmiths, silversmiths, glass workers, potters, leather workers, weavers, and fullers [who worked with cleaning and texturing old and new cloth], and of course carpenters.

Scripture tells us that Jesus preached in the Synagogue as a young boy, and was very well versed in Scripture, in current issues, and was able to defend His position – (Luke 2:39-47).

When Jesus left home; He being the oldest child in the home of His now deceased Earthly father Joseph, He didn’t leave His family impoverished, creating hardship; too, Jesus attracted wealthy business people, such as fisherman [Andrew, Peter, James and John], a tax collector — [Matthew], a so called treasurer, [Judas Iscariot], and a doctor — [Luke: not one of the original 12, but probably one of the 70 Jesus sent out – (Luke 10:1-23) ]. Would these tradesmen follow a poor peasant man? Not according to (Ecclesiastes 9:16).

Wasn’t Jesus at home when they opened His roof to lower a paraplegic – (Mark 7:17), and (Mark 2:4) — A Home! Doesn’t matter from who. Didn’t they cast lots for Jesus’ clothing at His crucifixion – (Matthew 27:35)? Who would want a peasant’s clothing? Final reference because I could go on. The amount of gold the wise men left Jesus as one of the gifts they gave, had an estimated value of 39 million dollars in 2007.

The known world despised Jesus because of ignorance, and fear, as they do to this day. For Jesus, poor was a declaration – (2nd Corinthians 8:9). God knows the prodigious’ of Man.

Wisdom will draw, but you’ve got to look, and have the lifestyle to match, or it’s shunned/rejected. Finding the will and purpose of God for your life starts a journey of more than enough – (Deuteronomy 8:18), and (Proverbs 10:22).

Do you really think God would forsake Prosperity and Abundance, for lack to His only begotten son being He/Jesus a representee of Himself, I don’t.?


Word of note: Watch out for false doctrine as it’s an inroad for the lies of Satan. Satan knows the word of God, but he pollutes it. Example:

God gave us government, but Satan gave us politics. God gave us sex in Marriage between man and women, but Satan gave us pornography with sex between anyone and anything. God gave us the Passover, but Satan gave us Easter, and Halloween. God gave us His World in the flesh/Jesus – (John 1:14), but Satan gave us religion. God give us, and teaches, unconditional love that’s free, but Satan has conditions for it; asking, at what cost are you willing to pay, or sacrifice to him. – (Matthew 4:9), and I’ll add, or to any of his.

Just so you’d know.


Murmuring? Then Stop!

“Murmuring” is mumbling, grumbling, whining, complaining; waging a fight, or a war/battle in your head, or just loud enough for only you to hear, and most times imaginary, and hasn’t happened.

Sadly, all of us do it, the born-again/saved, and those that are not. This “Murmuring” goes on in the home, workplace, and our churches.

We murmur searching to find something wrong in just about anything. For the murmurer, everything is upsetting in their lives, and they’re miserable because of it too; they’ll try to pull as many as they can with them who’d give them an ear given the chance.

We murmur about the boss, the children, the husband and wife, the weather; even food, and through silent debate, having conversations with ourselves on stuff that has not happened. We murmur about the teacher, the pastor, the neighbors, the government; people in general, and our task at hand.

Every interpretation of society is not immune to the murmur. Mind you, grievances have a place; nonetheless, when the results are in/settled, but not to our liking, we murmur.

In Scripture, murmuring is all over the place, and was directed toward everyone — ask Moses’s brother and sister who complained about the Ethiopian woman he married, after His decision to bring her along – (Numbers 12:1), Moses himself not wanting to go back to Egypt after God said, I’m sending you – (Exodus 4:10 +12-14), Gideon saying, he was to frail and young to save Israel when God said, just do it – (Judges 6:14,15), Abraham and Sarah after 25 years went by, and still no son that God promised – (Genesis16:2), the Pharisees having meetings to find a way to kill Jesus because they disagreed with Him – (Matthew 12:14); every nation, and every nationality murmurs.

Bottom line, “Murmuring” is a sin; it’s chatter, loose lips, and its cousin is gossip, and can cause all kinds of problems – (Matthew 15:17-20), and (1st Peter 4:9) is another verse that mentions the murmurer. You can’t love and murmur at the same time.

We’re to give our cares to the Lord – (1st Peter 5:7); because no matter what, He protects the righteous, and you not doing this makes whom you’re “Murmuring” an idol, including yourself.


Word of note: Don’t confuse “Murmuring” with discussion, or positive thought. Discussion is face-to-face action on an issue to move forward. Murmuring is a behind the back defense, or emphasis that goes nowhere, and fixes nothing; the non-action of a question that’s been settled or hasn’t occurred at all.


The Right to Choose

Help me on this one — seriously, help me. There’s a Great Divide in our nation about “The Right to Choose”, but when I do, should it have been avoided if not by popular belief? Is choosing the right to avoid a choice, still a choice, and where does that put me?

As you know, I write about awareness, and illustrate an understanding about it using the Holy Bible as reference, but this right to choose is where I need some honest feedback because of the scriptures. Scripture gives me “The Right to Choose” – (Joshua 24:15). Scripture also tells me; God loves me even yet I was still a sinner – (Romans 5:8). Again, scripture tells me, God loves me no less, even if I miss the mark, because He’s allowed me to repent, and I can start over – (1st John 1:9). One more, scripture tells me, as He is, so am I in this world – (1st John 4:17).

God gave me “The Right to Choose”, right or wrong, without losing His love. He’s not in agreement with all I do, but still won’t pull His love away – (Hebrews 13:1-6). It seems I’ve every chance possible to conform before judgement, but if I don’t — I didn’t.

So, why do saved people categorize a person’s right to choose if it’s not common, by disrespecting, insulting, and belittling them, and the very God they believe in doesn’t? What makes saved people self-righteous over a person’s right to choose? Doesn’t scripture say, he who is without sin cast the first stone – (John 8:7), but we’ll cast the first stone anyway? We’re not to judge, but if we do, scripture says, judge ourselves – (Romans 2:1), but we don’t?

We’re not to have any gods/idols other than God Almighty – (Exodus 20:3), but we do, because anything you first turn to for help instead of God is an idol. Example: food, sex, a relationship, work, drugs, gambling, etc. Better yet, where we go for comfort when things get tough reveals our idol god.

We’re not to use God’s Name in vain, but we do, and not just with filthy language, but how many of us say when surprised, Oh my God!  Same thing. We’re to honor our mother and father – (Exodus 20:12). Have you seen the character of children and young adults these days toward their parents? So, we don’t do that either…

We’re to not murder anything – (Exodus 20:13). According to the news, says who? Scripture says, anyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer – (1st John 3:15). Hello racists; hello bigots…

We’re to not commit adultery – (Exodus 20:14). Surprised? Greetings pornography, girlie magazines, prostitution, affairs, and sex out of wedlock…

We’re not to bear false witness – (Exodus 20:16), Lie in court, or to protect yourself from exposing your wrongdoing, no matter how big or small…

We’re to not want stuff that’s not ours – (Exodus 20:17). Ever take typing paper, ink pens, paper clips, etc. from work? Wait a minute, aren’t we using our right to choose?

I cringe when people use their freedom of choice/their right to choose wrongly, and without a doubt, we’re going to use it wrong; everyone, so what do I do to keep people safe when they do choose to do harm, or do to themselves that’s wrong — even though I don’t like, or agree with what they’re doing?


If I don’t like drinking alcohol, do I fight to stamp it out, or regulate it so that it’ll be safe for the ones that do? If I don’t eat meat, should I fight to stamp it out, or regulate it so it’ll be safe for the ones that do? If I don’t smoke because I know it kills you, do I stamp it out, or regulate it with warnings for those who do, so they don’t violate me, or any of mine. I could go on but it’s the same with every social issue. How far do we go to protect the innocent?

I don’t agree with abortion, racism, murder, rape; homosexuality, but they’re there, and we have a system in place for those that don’t care to see it as I, but that’s as far as I can go according to Scripture. Vengeance is the Lord’s – (Romans 12:17-21).

God saved me through Jesus, and He’ll not stop with me. I have “The Right to Choose” if God agrees or not, and since I didn’t create Man, and my job is to be a Disciple of the Living God, then I am my Brother’s keeper. I am to love my brother as Jesus loves me – (John13 35,36). So, all I can do is regulate a safety measure when my brothers and sisters miss the mark for the benefit of a civil lifestyle.

So, help me, because I don’t believe in disrespecting, and threatening people who work at being their Brother’s Keeper, even if it’s not favorable.


Word of note: Since God gave us “The Right to Choose”/free will, does that make Him a scoundrel when He knows up front that by not choosing Him it’s spiritual suicide, and the second death – (Romans 2:11)? This death follows the first physical death, and is an eternal separation from God, and all that is of Him. It’s for the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and liars – (Revelation 21:8)

Should He remove our right to choose, or since He defends our right to choose, is He Himself ungodly because He knows we’ll abuse it?

Doesn’t He forgive? Wasn’t Jesus’ death on the cross for the ungodly – (Romans 5:6-11)? What kind of God does He think He is by continuing to give us “The Right to Choose”? It’s because of – (Romans 17-21), that’s why.

Doesn’t He know that billions of people are choosing to go to Hell. What is He going to do about it? I’ll tell you. He’s going to continue giving us “The Right to Choose” because we are without excuse – (Romans 1:20).

I’m pro-life, but I won’t roadblock “The Right to Choose,” because God hasn’t done it with me.

We all know how horrific “The Right to Choose” can be, and so does God. God destroyed Man once because of it, and because we didn’t learn anything, He’s coming again; but this time “The Right to Choose” evil will not exist, but “The Right to Choose” will continue, and continue as long as we are in His image and likeness – (Genesis 1:26)



“Pride” is the number one emotion separating Man from God. Every man, and every woman regardless of age will forever deal with “Pride”.

Our true selves — that part of us which no one sees is loaded with “Pride”. That Self is the self-made hero that wants to be recognized when recognition is handed out in spite of for who, small, or large. It’s so bad, that we’ll invent a recognition.

“Pride” doesn’t move you, it deceives and lies to you, and it comes before destruction – (Proverbs 16:18). To say you have “Pride” about yourself is to say you can’t be moved; that you’re fixed. Too, you’ll recommend that way of thinking to others suggesting they get some “Pride” about themselves, when in actuality you’re talking about respect.

“Pride” is idolizing oneself, and scripture tells us to have no other gods/idols but God Almighty, for He is a jealous God – (Exodus 20:3-6). Pride holsters offense and fear equally. “Pride” is released when low self-esteem is challenged, or even high self-esteem — which today is considered normal.

“Pride” is a god battling for the throne of your heart, and when it wins, it’ll control your destiny. It may seem irrelevant, but behind every struggle in life, there’s this idol god of “Pride”, and until he’s dethroned, they’ll be no victory.

Bigotry – is a form of “Pride”.

Prejudice and racism – is a form of “Pride”.

Manipulation – is a form of “Pride”.

Lies! is a form of “Pride”.

Depression – is a form of “Pride”.

Aggression – is a form of “Pride”.

Stubbornness – is a form of “Pride”.

Being ungrateful – is a form of “Pride”.

Discontentment – is a form of “Pride”

Thinking too less of yourself – is a form of “Pride”.

Legalism in religion – is a form of “Pride”.

Exploitation – is a form of “Pride”.

Men and women living together unmarried – is a form of “Pride.”

Denial – is a form of “Pride”.

Self-made disorders – is a form of “Pride”.

Power – is a form of “Pride”.

Success at all costs – is a form of “Pride”.

Wanting to be the most important person in the room – is a form of “Pride”.

Needing to be praised worthy – is a form of “Pride”.

Pornography – is a form of “Pride”.

Not manning up if you’re a man – is a form of “Pride”.

Not womaning up if you’re a woman – is a form of “Pride”.

Giving in to temptation – is a form of “Pride”.

“Pride” caught up with Lucifer, and “Pride” will catch up with you, so when it does, and you want to change it, repent; read the Apostle Paul’s struggle with sin/”Pride” in – (Romans 7:16-25); next — as he, pray for humility, and for those gods to be removed from you, unless you enjoy them, if so, your problem’s not “Pride”, it’s Satan.



Which would you rather have — all, or the “Authority” over all? Take your time. What’s taught is to get it all; what’s not taught is who controls all. Also, can all be taken away; because whomever controls all, controls the confines of the use of it, so what’s better? If you’re the one who determines who gets all, then you’re the one who determines if it remain as it was given.

The reason we may choose having it all is because most of us don’t value, under appreciate, or understand “Authority”. “Authority” gets in the way. We want “Authority” to be there, but not used on us. We live our lives to bypass the reach of “Authority”; another way of saying it is, keeping under the radar.

Many of us routinely think of how we can skate past “Authority” to do what we do that we shouldn’t — mind you; but also, to keep a thing blameless, or undetected. How can we stretch the rules, or just blatantly break them without getting caught; or, not be considerate about “Authority” at all? Is it just part of our nature like driving one mile per hour over the speed limit, or not putting the shopping cart back into the designated spot. Even so, we’re programed to grumble about “Authority”, which brings me to God.

What about God? Scripture says, we’re to do all things as if it’s for God – (Colossians 3:23) — but we don’t. Have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments? We break the Ten Commandments by design constantly, every last one of them.

God gave Man “Authority” over all things in and of this world – (Genesis 1:26-28) but we don’t properly use it — if at all. In fact, we don’t even give it a thought.

“Authority”! We don’t realize every man and women has it; all we know is that we just don’t like being required to adjust, correct, or be regulate. Besides, “Authority” should be for the control over the less important anyway some say. We can care less until we want it enforced, other than that, we’ll attempt to hide from it; being it’s viewed as something in our way.

Word of note: Have you been blind to the behavior of leaders in this country/USA these days; the so-called movers and shakers, and all their disrespect for “Authority”? It’s been said, as the leadership, so are the people. I’m drifting, so let me get back on my point.

When a policeman in uniform goes out into traffic, raises his hand, and blows his whistle for you to stop, you’ll hit the brakes. but let that same policeman be out of uniform trying to do the same thing, and he could get run over, even killed; why, the man is still a policeman. True, but the “Authority” is in the uniform.

God gave Man back the “Authority” he lost at the fall – (Genesis 3:1-24), and with it the dominion over his will to sin, and its curse, which includes, pain and suffering, sickness and disease, and life over death, by the finished works of the Cross; but because of our disbelief, and a secular worlds mindset that strengthens the ignorance of the power in God’s Word, we remain mislead casualties, and by so, kick sand into God’s face, because God’s power is in His gift of  “Authority” — “Authority” over all, not possession of all – (Matthew 13:58).

Once we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; know and recognize who we are in Him by practicing being as He is; as it is written, “so are we too in this world” – (1st John 4:17), and understand that greater is He who is in you/me, then he who is in the world – (1st John 4:4); only then will we be fully dressed to use God’s Devine “Authority”. The devil, the curse, and all associated with it, will flee when you’re dressed in righteousness.

Unrighteousness trembles at righteousness, because righteousness is the uniform of Divine “Authority”, and the Name JESUS is the whistle that will confine it all when needed, enforce it all when needed, and loose it all when needed by the Word of God always; first and only.

Since we’re covered in Jesus’ blood — the uniform, we raise our hand against evil, speaking the Word of God, and when declaring by whose name we’re speaking – (Romans 14:11), (Philippians 2:10), and (Isaiah 45:23); proclaiming God Word over all, and at times never forgetting ourselves in the declaration; then we can have it all, by the “Authority” we’ve inherited using the name of Jesus that makes all things possible that seem impossible.

Thank you Lord, for my “Authority” over all, in Jesus’ Name amen.


They shall know you by your fruit

This is a Bible verse – (Matthew 7:16); but it doesn’t mean people will know you by your children, it means people will know you by seeing you in your everydays.

Your fruit is your prejudices, your nature, and your doings, which come from your spirit, and you can’t escape. Example: Even philosophers agree that a thing is what it is, that A is A; so, the fruit of A, is A.
A duck quacks, a dog barks, a cow moos, and an apple tree produces apples. And according to – (Matthew 7:17), good trees bear good fruit, and bad trees bear bad fruit. See the pattern?

People are the fruit of Their Nature too, and we/people unfortunately have, and own, a sin nature; a nature opposite of God’s, that regrettably we were born with — [genetically inherited], because of the fall of Man. You don’t have to teach a child to be selfish, self-centered, or to lie, because they’re born that way – (Psalm 58:3); you’ve got to teach them not to be, but it’ll still remain in their heart — it’s who he or she is in spite of how cute they are without the intervention of God. It can’t be helped — sinners sin.

The sin nature was in full bloom after the fall when Adam and Eve’s first child exposed his true nature. It was that he was a murderer. Cain, the first born killed his brother Abel – (Genesis4:8). Notice I didn’t say became a murderer, because murder was in Cain’s heart – in his nature. So, this didn’t just happen. Cain sought to kill his brother – (James 1:14), and when the wicked temptations of his nature offered itself, and he imagined/saw himself that he could do such a thing, he did.

Murder was part of his fruit; just like everything that’s earthly inside of us, for instance, sexual immorality, uncleanness, passion/longings of lust, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry – (Colossians 3:5); we can add more such as adultery, and slander, or read – (Galatians 5:19-21), And if you really want to see ourselves, read – (2nd Timothy 3:2-5) that says, men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of Godliness but denying His power, and this nature is past down from generation to generation too all of humanity, and it’s getting worse.

Do this test.

Have you ever lied, even a little white lie – don’t lie? Have you ever stolen anything, anything – pencil, pen, a grape from the produce department in a Super Market without paying? Have you ever lusted sexually for someone other than your mate, or imagined they were someone else at times? Do you hate, or have a strong dislike for anybody, be it a person, or group in general? Have you ever used God’s name in vain? Have you ever craved something of someone else’s rather than go after your own?
If so, in God’s eye, you’ve broken six of His Ten Commandments making you a lying adulteress thief, a murderous blasphemer, whom should be scrutinized, and not be taken seriously. Your fruit?  Also, a place in Hell come judgement.

Are you self-centered — I get mine regardless of the cost to others?
Who, and what are your idols/obsessions: is it drugs, addictions, gaming, sex, gossip, alcohol, money, fame, vanity; all of which will bear fruit, your fruit if unchecked, because those things are part of the sin nature.

Do you try to be religious — not to be confused with Christian. God’s not religious, because religion is bondage, it’s works, trying to prove how worthy you are too God in front of men – (Isaiah 29:13),(Mark 7:6-8), and (Romans 3:23), and it bears false doctrine, or bad fruit.

Scripture tells us what our fruit should look like in God’s eye; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – (Galatians 5 22, 23), and how we’re to think. Our thought should be about whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable – (Philippians 4:8).

Man doesn’t possess the above traits naturally because they don’t belong to him, they’re what’s possible when the third person of the Trinity resides inside of you once saved, because they’re His – the Holy Spirit’s, and the Holy Spirit does not live inside the natural man, or will give these gifts to him.

The heart of the natural man’s nature sees this as folly, silly, foolish, and in the way of reality.

Things are what they are; so when a man shows his colors and they’re shaky; not consistent with what he preaches, confesses, or practices, believe his fruit, not his mouth, saved or not.
