Jesus or Barabbas, Hillary or Trump

In the wake of our too long and extremely expensive run for the transfer of power that governs this nation, more familiarly known as our presidential election is finally over; the results are in and there was a major and shocking upset. All the data from the multimillion dollar prognosticators failed and every method to predict the outcome of this 2016 election was wrong from top to bottom. Technology went down for the count, and Hillary Clinton the odds-on favorite was defeated convincingly.

Hillary had the plans, the demeanor and the experience; arguably she won all the debates, had shown she could think on her feet under pressure even when the pressure was directed at her personally. She was seasoned, knew her way around, was hands down more knowledgeable about foreign affairs as she spoke about her first-hand experiences, meetings and negotiations with global leaders and dignitaries friendly or hostile, and the results from those encounters. She has a track record of dedication to her causes and respect from those on her team who fight the battles with her but she’s not perfect by any means because no one can be; yet even though her life has been no piece of cake and has always been made harder than average because she lives it as if it’s being lived in a fishbowl, never hidden because of her high profile; out there for all to see and judge every move about her career and entire adult life, she did it taking on all comers.

She knew firsthand what the job she was seeking was about and its demands mentally and physically because of her husband, former President of the United States Bill Clinton who sat in that chair eight years. She’s a crusader for women, children, minorities, immigrants, religious freedoms and human rights, but she lost, Hillary Clinton lost and it wasn’t close. I could go on.

On the other side, the opponent Donald Trump had no plans he’d reveal, no experience in government on any level as a leader of anything, arguably lost every debate, could not think on his feet so his way out of his lack of knowledge was character assassination and playground verbiage using social media to make sure it got around the world immediately for all the news cycles to focus on rather than the issue, cared little or not at all about rules and regulations because he’s been above them all his life; privilege because he’s super rich acting like many of his peers feeling their money gives and buys them advantages over people making him act above what’s common and sensible falling into the Bible scripture that reads; too much money makes people corrupt and the love of it is no good, and why, because it doesn’t bring out the best in people; usually breeding the worst, (1st Timothy 6:9.10)

He’s ignorant about foreign policy and its affairs and government in general historically and fundamentally, he has no loyalties or respect except for himself, he’s lived his life taking advantage of the disadvantage because he can, and his claim to fame are threats, bullying, stretching rules and laws in and out court claiming it’s the American way and good business and so foolhardy about it bragging, if it was wrong they should have changed the rules.

Women, Latinos, some religious groups, certain minorities and the under-privileged are attacked and criticized as losers not with answers but with cruel and unnecessary babble using his money to exploit and get away with it, and he campaigned as if he really didn’t want the job but had the audacity and wealth to play out his dream audition while making a mockery of the most important process a civil governmental can exercise, and people found it amusing like a popular sitcom and bought into it.

Yahoo news wrote that “Trump and his campaign didn’t expect to win the race so didn’t engage with a transition process prior to his surprise victory.” In other words, Trump never planned or anticipated to move forward, the fun and games were over, but he won. The man with a TV show called the Apprentice is now himself an apprentice President-elect ready to delegate authority to the same people who broke America in the first place and be a rubber stamp President. I could go on.

At the time Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by crucifixion the people of that day where asked to make a choice to pardon a convicted prisoner because of the holiday as it was custom to do so, (Matthew 27:15-17). Jesus the charismatic peace-loving giver, a servant for the people, a healer of sickness and disease, a miracle worker, an example of love, peace and humility; a teacher of a better way to live between one another and the living example of the power of God, or Barabbas who was sentenced to die the same way.

Now Barabbas was a notorious criminal responsible for insurrection, insurgents, robberies, and murders; constantly at odds with authorities and not hesitant to start revolts or engage in rebellion in order to rob and kill as a way of protest and revenge, and the people along with religious groups chose Barabbas, Jesus lost. (Mark 15:7-15) Fast forward and these like-minded people and religious authoritarians chose Hitler too.

I’m not comparing Hillary to Jesus or Trump to Barabbas by no means, what I’m saying is if you don’t learn from your history you repeat it, and we did, so what next? We chose emotion over substance, fiction over fact, make-believe over reality; the deception over the truth. We’ve practically re-enacted what was done some two thousand years ago and there’s still fall out about that decision? So, what happened to Barabbas because our results are now in and the verdict has been executed, accepted, and made law because the people have spoken?

There’s no account of Barabbas after his pardon so anything to that fact is made up because no more was written about him. Subsequently, did he go back to his old ways, we don’t know. But a happy ending is what we wish for our story today.

Was Barabbas a changed person and went about things differently; more grown-up and mature, seeing his position as no longer a condemn man but a chance to blossom into greatness he never knew he had instead of always dreaming but never realizing he’d actually get the second chance because of who he is and his life time of corruption, rebellion, vice, dishonesty, and exploitation with the me first at any cost ideology. Only if we knew what Barabbas really did?

Mr. President-elect Donald Trump what are you really going to do; it’s 3 o’clock a.m. the world and Mankind is upside down and all are surprised you’re sitting in that most important chair to receive the call. You’ve shocked the world, so are you the great sideshow we’ve already known about and come to believe, or is God doing what He always does by choosing the least, unqualified and undeserving individual to do great things. (1st Corinthians 1:26-29)

The Bible is full of people like you Mr. Trump, the least deserving put into positions to do the greatest good for God and the people they lead because of God. Mr. Trump do what’s right and not what’s popular. Let God be magnified by the choice He made in you through the people because you surely didn’t get elected being the sharpest knife in the drawer and you know it; trying to believe you were all that because you weren’t. The sharpest knife in the drawer that believed and just knew she was all that; lost. This happened before with the last opponent who defeated her for the position of the President of the United States, President Barack Obama who also was considered not the natural choice, but ended up being the right choice for the job at that time as he inherited issues he didn’t run on like saving this country from another great depression, first with the banks and next with the auto industry but was told no when it was the people’s turn. As a matter of fact some of congress met privately planning obstructionism so this new President’s re-election would be virtually impossible and they did this before he was even sworn in for the first time consequently holding this nation back for political agendas for eight years to ultimately seize power.

Mr. Trump, you’re the beneficiary of this treason that was planned by your party. If the Democrats do the same as the Republicans did them, and they usually don’t, then this nation has under minded its constitution meaning we don’t have one but do have a government out of control like the rest of too many nations. (Luke 21:25) If that’s ever the case, you yourself Mr. Trump will need to take out your Bible and read end time prophecy.

The world doesn’t like you Mr. Trump but don’t get even, lead by example from the ONE who put you there and not the many who are just as surprised as you about your victory. Then not only make America great again because we’re already great and have been for more than two hundred and forty years but also the world. May God be with you Mr. Trump and God bless America.
