
Sorrow is a feeling or display of deep distress. Who wants that? Who wants to feel bad, or sad, unhappy, miserable, sick, and in a constant state of gloom, and woe — nobody? Well, guess what, we bring Sorrow on ourselves.

Watch the news, look at what’s on 90% of television, read newspapers and tabloids, compare what people post on Facebook, evaluate politics, and you’ll see how we’re living our lives.
Our conversations are full of it; this Sorrow. We bring it, and can speak so casually about it. Somebody or something is always doing something to us. Scripture says man goes that way, (Genesis 6:5). To paraphrase the verse, God saw how awful, evil, and wicked man had become; it was widespread all over the world, and every scheme, every thought of his heart, and the center of his imagination was sinful, and criminal continuously; endless.

Look in the mirror, do you cause Sorrow by your actions; are you getting on people’s nerves, and are people getting on yours — be honest. Of course — even if we know it or not. We may not mean to, but people will have you feel that you’re the source of their aggravation because of what they’re imagining, and visa versa.
Congratulations; welcome to the realization of why God destroyed the world once already. It was because of chronic, and relentless sin that had totally consumed man’s imagination and actions, (Genesis 6:11,12). To paraphrase the verse, the world was corrupt and violent.
Word of note: If God destroyed the world once because of sin overwhelming man’s imagination, He’ll do it again, and it’s promised, (Matthew 24:37). Let’s face it, we’re living in the era of what the scriptures call the times of Sorrows, (Matthew 24:4-14).

I heard once, ” Man-made problems have man-made solutions.” True — you’d think, but man-made problems are the result of sin, and the only solution for sin is Jesus. That’s what He gave His life up for — your and my sins, (John 3:16-21).

Let’s do the math. Sin/Sorrow x Sin = more Sin/Sorrow.
Let’s do the math with the solution/Jesus. Sin/Sorrow x Jesus/solution, who is Zero Sin/Sorrow = Zero Sin/Sorrow.
The math is quite clear. Anything x Zero = Zero. What does something gain, when it’s multiplied by nothing? Nothing! So, what does Sorrow gain when it’s multiplied with Jesus? Sorrow gains nothing with Jesus. Jesus defeated sin/Sorrow at the Cross. Get the picture. Get your calculator and try it for yourself.

Attaching ourselves to the world will only bring what’s in the world into our lives – Sorrow. Attaching ourselves to Jesus who overcame the world brings what’s in the world to naught into our lives, (John 3:17).
So, how do you fix Sorrow? You do the math.
