Atheist and Non-Believers this post is for you

When I get into conversations with atheist and non-believers, and it’s not often; I tell them I’m a born-again/saved Christian, then I get hit with them saying the Holy Bible was written by man, and is used to keep people on their knees rather than for them to get up and do something for themselves, it fools people and makes them passive, just to name a few…. Well, all right, okay, let’s take them one by one.

Yes the Bible was written by man but it’s so profound in its philosophy that if men wrote it as a ploy, a tactic, then why does it work for the people you’re trying to fool, because it does exactly what it says it will do if you live by it. And why would you write a book telling me if I don’t live by it certain consequences will happen, and it does; then YOU go about NOT believing what you wrote and just as you stated stuff happens to you that’s in the book precisely the way it’s written when you don’t live by it which you choose not to. Why would you write and insert (1st Corinthians 2:14) saying without the Spirit of God you can’t understand what’s written in the book, so, you not believing in YOUR book means you can’t understand what YOU wrote…. Amazing. All scripture is inspired by God, not man, but profitable to him if used correctly. Which means it was God who inserted (1st Corinthians 2:14) through men who were encouraged with His intervention through righteous that wrote the entire Holy Bible, (2nd Timothy 3:16).

It keeps people on their knees rather than doing something for themselves. Again, here’s a list of Passages in the Holy Bible saying every battle has victory with prayer and believing, and those who do it have sweatless victory, so, why would you write and insert, (Mark 11:24), (John 16:23, 24), (Matthew 21:22), (John 15:7), (James 1:5) and they’re many more I won’t list saying if you don’t do this, you’ll have battle after winless battle. We’ve been at War since 2011 with no victory in sight, and we lost the war in Vietnam also. There was no victory, we just left. Thousands upon thousands of our Military died in that undeclared War and we just left. There was no prayer believing, just money receiving at the expense of lives.

It fools people and makes them passive. Mary birthed Jesus and raised Him from a newborn until He was a grown Man. His life was cut off when He was arrested but they didn’t just arrest Him, they destroyed and humiliated Him and Mary was there. While Jesus was being beaten, disfigured beyond recognition and human likeness; marred so that He didn’t even resemble a man (Isaiah 52:14), Mary didn’t say a word. While Jesus was nailed to the cross and hung in shame, naked, exposed in front of all to see; mocked, Mary said nothing. Do you think Jesus kept His Mother in the dark about His fate? Do you think Jesus didn’t minister to His Mother, schooling her, prophesying to her about things the Twelve weren’t even privy to so she’d have understanding about her Son’s life purpose, destiny and ending so she wouldn’t do something foolish when that hour came? Any mother worth her weight seeing her baby dismembered, maimed and slowly murdered would lie through her teeth screaming insanely at the top of her lungs; STOP IT! CUT HIM DOWN! I LIED, I LIED I’M TELLING YOU! CUT HIM DOWN AND TAKE ME! GOD, HE’S INOCENT AND DONE NOTHING WRONG, HE WAS ONLY PROTECTING ME! STOP IT, STOP IT PLEASE! CUT MY BABY DOWN! But she didn’t, there was no need to. She knew her Son was God in the flesh; still she’s His Mother with unyielding love and devotion as she watched her Son’s final fulfillment of prophesy that was to end His physical presence on earth, so weeping was her only outlet of grief. She wept because she knew, they knew. She was passive because she knew, they knew. If nothing else believe the affection of a mother’s love who’d die in her innocent baby’s place if she’d could; it would’ve only taken a simple little lie, but she stood mute because she knew, they knew, so all she did was weep. (John 19:25).…..Yeah, all you atheist and non-believers, this post is for you.


Word of note: For those that were touched reading this post as I was writing it, take a moment while still moved and listen to Aretha Franklin’s hit, “Mary Don’t You Weep” on YouTube.

Even the elect will be deceived

Jesus is coming soon people. This too, no one will be immune from the prophetic truth of the last days and end times quoted in the Holy Bible, not even the born/again saved. Psalms 91 is a promise to help all of us get through the circumstances of things to come, but.

All God-fearing people claim they do obedience, but the obedience most of us are doing is works, not faith. We try to do the right thing by God. We try to live a certain way by God but is it His choice or ours? If it’s ours, and most likely it is, then it’s not obedience but the deception. Let’s face it; we’ve been duped out the gate. Not many of us are living or doing God’s will and purpose at all but we’re trying to do the best we can playing the hand dealt that more than likely wasn’t dealt by God but by the Deceiver trying to keep you/us from our true destiny. Again, what you’re doing could be keeping you quite cozy and comfortable, ask Wall Street executives, but pleasure seeking and material gain is not God’s Will for you. Seeking pleasure and material gain is a deception and not of God. (1 Tim. 6:9, 10), (Isa. 55:2), (Rom. 8:5-9), (Heb. 13:5), (Matt. 6:21).

If you’ve been given a word from God, will you do it? Of course the right answer is yes, and most of the elect hope so. There are choices we make that are good in reason, but contradictory to God’s purpose for you/us. When we step off into that contradiction, we want God to agree, but should He, and why, we’re being deceived and it’s by the Adversary. Just because it’s good doesn’t make it God’s Will for you, but you/we assume His favor doing these things even though we’re off track deceived and often don’t know it. Here’s what happens.

When we’re off track we’re ignorant of knowing God’s Will because of deception and we fall into accordance of Bible prophecy pleasing Satan, and if continued we assume all the responsibility of what happens to us; don’t blame God when it happens, He didn’t do it you/we did. You’re the one out there and out of bounds instead of over here; calling God to the rescue when things go awry; confused. All the pain, suffering and the ups and downs we experience while struggling is not of God’s choosing because He chose another direction for us but we don’t know it because faith and patience is required and we’re all into works trying and trying.

Deceiving is deception and deception comes in many disguises so don’t think of it as only being tricked, fooled or betrayed painfully. Being deceived doesn’t always present itself as abnormal. In fact what’s normal or what’s being largely accepted as normal could be called group deception. Cheating is a form of deception, lying is a form of deception, exaggeration is a form of deception, many group norms are deceptions regardless of their innocence; how we go about our everyday’s working hard trying to get ahead waiting for the ship to come in taking two steps forward and one step back, then two steps backwards and one forward happens because of deception, the guilty winning in court because of high-priced lawyers that are gifted in deception, politicians saying this and doing that is all part of the game of deceiving. Living above your means, accumulating debt is living deceived. Trying to double your money by chance is living deceived and it’s advertised to make it so easy that you do it, and it’s found in all forms of marketing; you can’t get away from it. All the beautiful casinos are built on losses. Legal fornication in Nevada is false love and recreational exploitation of someone’s body; an intimacy deception disguise as meaningful. Legal drug abuse disguised as medical benefit. Legal alcohol altering a sober state of mind disguised as fun and prestigious. Believing you are not your brother’s keeper disguising selfishness and self-centeredness. Am I becoming clear? Then the government saying it can produce jobs, how when it manufacturers and sells nothing. Look, to create more jobs, does it mean shoddy products because businesses need turnover to keep people hired; quality products less jobs because of less turnover, and don’t mention the poor directory assistance operator, technology has taken care of that, and actually do you think the Space Station could last floating in space with what they sell us; honest deception. The medical industry wanting to treat you rather than cure you. Lasting and repeat revenue is in treatment not cure. A pill that cost $0.10 to make is sold for $100 or more for treatment rather than minerals, herbs and lifestyle changes for cure, (Rev. 22:2). Also search the 14 herbs of the Bible by Dr. Axe food and medicine for the breakdown. I’m getting long so I’ll stop here.

Deceiving and its deceptions is a way of life today, and the Granddaddy of all deception is the rejection of the resurrected Jesus and His shed blood that defeated the deceptions and deceiving ways of Satan, aka the Deceiver and his lies for the love of now; disguising with every deception he can to keep you from your true destiny, but with the grace of God and His Devine understanding you’ll overcome anything Satan can concoct hidden or not.

If you’re out there and don’t know your purpose because you haven’t got a word from God, you’re deceived, and if you’re saved you’re part of the elect fulfilling the prophetic word; In the last days even the elect if possible will be deceived. (Mathews 24:24)


Familiarity or Prejudgment

The Lord spoke to Moses, to speak to Aaron and his sons, to tell Israel. (Numbers 6: 22, 23)

How many people can get your attention? How many people can reach, teach or even give information to you? This is a good question because just any PERSON can’t tell us anything because we’re not going listen to them, we might look at them but we’re not going to listen to them, we might hear them but we’re not going to listen to them, and worse yet, we’ll pick and choose part of what they’re saying and run with it rather than try to understand the entire content of their message while not listening. Politicians do this for a living all the time. Blah blah blah going into one ear and out of the other if you’re speaking and they have no regard for you. So, if it’s not what YOU’VE deemed required listening, who do you let in? I bet you can name them on one hand and it doesn’t matter if you’re born again/saved either. We don’t let just anybody into our inner-circle to influence us; we’ll mentally turn them off. We might be polite about it, but we’re not really going to listen.

How many of us will refuse a hand bill being passed out by a stranger? They didn’t have to say anything, but just the sheer fact they’re trying to hand you something is automatically in your eye something you don’t need and can do without. Prejudgment is a real problem in this world. Familiarity is a real problem in this world. Being too familiar with me can limit me helping you. This happened to Jesus, (Mark 6:1-5) He was preaching at home and they took offense at Him; He was too familiar. Here is God trying to teach them something but because of familiarity/prejudgment He couldn’t get anything done, so He left.

When God answers prayer, most times He sends a person; a messenger, and it’s up to you/us to hear the answer to your/our prayer in something they said or did, but if that person is too familiar or you’ve prejudged them, you can’t hear from God if he’s the one God sent. (Numbers 6: 22,23) is a good example of how God sometimes works. Paraphrasing, if you had issues with Aaron or any of his sons, you couldn’t hear from God. If it was Moses who could only get your attention, reach, teach or even give information to you; you’re out because God didn’t send Moses, He told Moses to tell Aaron and his sons to tell YOU. See my point.

You don’t have to love me in order for God to use me for your sake. I probably wouldn’t know anything about your situation in the first place and so what if I did, but you have a need and let’s say hypothetically God sends me unknowing and innocent to you but because you’ve already pre-judged me about what-ever or I’m too familiar with you; being it’s your character and way of life to shut people off based on your prejudices and pride because you know God couldn’t possibly send me because He knows how you feel about me, but you really need an answer from God, hey, hold on to your ways but keep praying and maybe, just maybe, God might finally come around understanding His mistakes; repenting unto you and see things your way and change. Yeah right.


How long is too long

If someone said they were going to do something for you, how long would you wait before you come to the conclusion that they were lying. I believe not long. Even if they gave you a time and date I’d still believe not long, why, because it happens to me too much these days, and I bet it happens to you, or are you part of the impatient club, anyway, that’s just how it is these days.

We see in movies where the young hopeful and trusting girl says, “I’ll wait for you” as her love goes away. In life, War does this to many; job replacement and career changes do it to others, and for some, Prison. But how long is too long to wait and be true to another person’s word? Imagine not hearing from someone you were waiting for years, could you stand it? No! Would you? No again.

In today’s fast world of social media, loyalty while waiting is extremely short. How long can you be faithful without some type of movement? I don’t know, maybe it depends on the individual and their track record with you, but even then?

Nevertheless, in the Holy Bible Abraham was put to that test. He stood on faith for thirteen years when a messenger of God told him he and his wife were going to have a child; they were already old and past their childbearing age. But as the years went by and getting older they quit, moved on, and so would you; the nerve of some people. They decided to involve a surrogate but the one that told them what they thought was impossible in the first place finally spoke again telling them that was a bad move after they’d been trying, waiting, and finally taking matters into their own hands for thirteen years and nothing; not a word nor a baby. Consequently bad things happened. (Genesis 15:2-4) (Genesis 16:1-5) (Genesis 16:16) (Genesis 17:1) (Genesis 17:17-19).

When we get a word from whom Abraham got his telling us something in our lives is going to be spectacular that we’ll be doing or achieve, don’t try to hurry it up and don’t doubt, or quit, keep steady because nothing will stop it. (Isaiah 55:11)

Jesus told the disciples in the midst of an oncoming storm to sail too the other side. This meant they were going to make it to the other side period (Luke 8:22-24). When God told Jonah to go this way and he went that, he got gobbled up by a whale, spit out and told to go too that he said no. (Jonah 2:10) (Jonah 3:1-3). God told the Israelite army to walk around a city seven times and at the sound of the trumpets yell and make all the noise you can and you’ll see victory over that City when the walls collapse and crash. (Joshua 6:15 and 20). Folks these are examples of doing obedience by trusting, believing, and not quitting; we’re to just do it.

Just a couple more while I’m on this roll, Jesus’ mother told waiters at a wedding, just do it. (John2:5) and Moses was told just do it, but it was forty years later when it happened. (Acts 7:25 and 30), Whew! I’m done.

Scripture tells us God will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6) and we have many examples in the Holy Bible of this truth, and it’s true today. So how long is too long? I don’t know, but if it’s a word from God, never.
