Have you gone and come out of the Wilderness yet

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you feel you’re between this and that; a time when you’re stagnant, lifeless; frozen at the cross roads. This moment requires some huge decision making because it’ll be life-changing. It’s not the simple stuff like where do I go from here, it’s bigger. It’s about everything what you thought you were about is not what you’re about at all. Something’s happening so big you’ll say I’ve got to get away. I need some time to myself, to be alone, apart from the everyday too figure stuff out, so you set aside some time in the day to think about it, but you’re not really thinking you’re getting instruction, vision, and plans like you’ve never thought before. Guess what, God’s calling, and you’ve just entered the Wilderness. (Not to be confused or associated as the Twilight Zone) You’ve just entered into a realm of existence foreign to all those who haven’t been there yet. The Wilderness comes to the born-again saved, and those who are about to be, that are called and chosen by the Spirit, (Matthew 22:13). Jesus experienced this as well after He received the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 4:1).

It’s written that Jesus was tempted at least three times while He was in the Wilderness, (Luke 4:1-13). It was much more — but only three were written about. Jesus was tempted with everything by Satan; everything Satan could possibly throw at Him that he throws at us individually and the entire world, but more; daily, and for forty days and nights with continuous and constant barrages of temptations known and unknown to a common man, but that wasn’t all. While in the Wilderness Jesus also got instruction, vision, and plans for His Ministry; where to start and how and when it was to end, (Mark 1:12,13). We know today that end was crucifixion, (John 19:30).

Jesus’ destination was the Cross but before that everything He did in His ministry, and the results of what He did was a prototype of how physical life on Earth was supposed to be before the fall of Man. This means there’s nothing missing in the Bible pertaining to how life is to be lived on Earth.

Jesus was the word of God in the flesh, (John 1:14). Jesus’ life on earth was actually the voice of God and how He/God wanted Man to live; every life situation is covered in the Holy Bible which I’ll say again, is the word of God, and Jesus got the revelations of His ministry from His Father/God in the wilderness with prayer, fasting and ministering angles. Once Jesus took three disciples to show them what goes on when He’s away; by Himself, and it blew their minds, (Matthew 17:1-13).

When you’ve been called, then chosen you will experience a time in the Wilderness when it’s time to understand and know that nothing you used to be about matters. The messages and revelations while in the Wilderness will come across to be so profound, so strong and so powerful you won’t be able to sit still. People you’ve always been around won’t understand and you won’t be able to help them until you come out, (You can be in the Wilderness while in the presence of others when your time there is incomplete), but when you do receive, engage and move forward to carry out and fulfil the vision that was handed you, some will stay and some will flee, but you won’t waver nor ever be the same because you’ve been to a place not found on Earth and your presence there was and is mandatory for the rest of your physical life, too, your Divine purpose and destination will be handed to you there by God step by step; mind you, His Will will be done and His Word will not come back void and will accomplish all what He sent it out to do, (Isaiah 55:11). Sceptic, then ask Jesus, He should know more about it than me.


Word of note: The Wilderness is not a forest or mountainous area but it could be, The Wilderness is a quiet spot free from intrusion and can be anything, anyplace or anywhere that you’d hold dear for those moments, for that special purpose, and God will quickly meet you there.

Peace is not where you expect it.

I don’t care who you are, peace is the state of mind we all wish would never leave; even tyrants want it and relish a restful night of peaceful sleep and well-being throughout the day. Peace is an energy builder and without it the body can’t rest, reset, or replenish itself and will continue to try and function in a perpetual state of drain that brings about breakdown which fractures the body’s shield to defend itself in order to produce a healthy lifecycle and long life span, so where do you go, and what do you do to get it?

Left to our own understanding we believe we can manufacture it, but the by-product is a counterfeit copy. Trust me, society attempts to interpret this peace of mind but what it offers when tried gets old, because it’s false, fake to use the word being tossed around today; so, where is it, and where can we find this piece? I’ll use myself for this one.

I’m a licensed master in my trade, and I’ve watched my trade go to hell in quality and integrity across-the-board; it’s not what it used to be, so I wanted out. What’s allowed and expected these days because of profit is a disservice to customers, and you can forget about repairs; remove and replace has develop into the norm. Longevity and quality is a forgotten thing of the past and I can’t do that to people. The drain and anguish was so much I had to say enough; I can’t and won’t do this just for money so it’s time to pass the torch, my time is not needed and has gone — I had no peace and was feeling forced to practice a trade in ways I was not accustom and it was not for the better if I were to continue in what has today become a haven for fast easy money.

It had a negative effect on my total being because this is the way I made my living, and it’s not just my trade, but everything is this way today. There was no getting around it, and the unhealthy burden of trying to focus differently was surrounding me and only compounding. This is how depression starts. You feel like your walls are caving in on you; locked in hopelessness as you look to the left and right for answers and finding nothing no matter what society has to offer. Peace was gone and I was sinking but, I was writing for God, wrote a book; now author, writer, editor and publisher, of this blog, (proverbs4-7.com) and I’ve never felt such peace and fulfillment.

Seven years and growing, I sometimes feel something inside of me is missing, incomplete, so I prayed; “Lord I’m losing peace and people keep calling me to practice my trade AND I DON’T WANT TO ANYMORE but I can’t let them down, and with that, it’s become an interference and a distraction on top of everything else that’s wrong with it.” Here’s what happen.

Not sooner but later in prayer time God said, ( Yes, God speaks to me), Don’t lose sight of Me, (Proverbs 3:21-22 & 24), and stop doing things for yourself, (Proverbs 3:27), and start doing them as Jesus would, (John 21:25). Take yourself and your own motivation out of the equation, (Proverbs 3:5). Do this and the Holy Spirit will perform the task. Apply only the labor accordingly, (Philippians 2:13). Your peace will be in the understanding of what’s going on, (Proverbs 4:7). Forget time and money. Just obey your new spirit within, (Matthew 16:24). I will strengthen you, (Isaiah 41:10), and remember your peace is in me; not in what you search, (John 14:27). YOUR peace is in blessings through task, letter, and speech, (Acts 20:35).

Imagine that, God change me to find strength, peace, and fulfillment in what I don’t and didn’t want to do anymore and it’s great. I never expected to find peace there or that way ever, but only Jesus.


Word of note: Peace is not found in an act, accomplishment, achievement, action, activity, behavior, deed, event, feat, job, operation, performance or presentation, ritual, transaction, or doings. All of these over time get old; you’d think not but they do because they and you can max out. They all become the same o, same o after time. Peace is not yours to develop or release and it’s not something you can manufacture from within.     Scripture tells us there’s no righteousness (nothing good) that lives in us (our physical bodies/the flesh), but the desire is there and a will to carry it out is, but we can’t, (Romans 7:18,19), so how can we find peace in something that’s no good by design and that by nature is false, fake, or a put-on; what a wretched people we are, (Romans 7:24).

Peace is a person and the title Prince usually proceeds who this peace person is and I think you’ve got it figured, the Prince of Peace, Jesus.   Peace is a free gift in the person of Jesus; it’s His, (Romans 5:1). Jesus’ Peace never gets old because His Peace is infinite and true. It appears to look like fake peace but the reality of it is not in its appearance measured by the five senses but in its creation which is part of a saved person’s DNA; an attachment like fingers to a hand.

When Jesus’ hand is in everything, that everything functions sweat less, makes rich, and adds no sorrow. (Proverbs 10:22) So, only in and by Jesus everything I mentioned above can never get old or max out even if it’s only one of those things you value most in your life.

Living for yourself seeking peace and pleasure will create burn out. You won’t find it because it’s not yours to find, but you can have it if you invite in the person who has it and wants to give it to you.   Told you, I wasn’t kidding, peace is not where you expect it.
