God ain’t enough anymore is He

For the past few days this fallen world has been on my mind. Looking at what people do, hearing and listening to what people say, learning what grabs them, what pleases them and what they think and how they feel about themselves is unreal. What stimulates this behavior? Technology. Technology improves the quality of life but it also energizes its opposite side. It’s like this; a knife in the hands of a doctor can save a life but in the hands of a murderer can take one.

Technology has become an idol god today brought to life by man’s imagination. Don’t have your cell phone in the vicinity of your person or similar device these days and watch attitudes change into panic or anger right before your eyes with exaggerated expressions of loss even grief fixed on their faces. The average young American now spends practically every waking minute except for time in a school classroom set and sleep using a smartphone, computer, television or other electronic device, “New York Times”.

School and media shape how young folks see the world. Satan rules the world system and the thoughts behind it because of the Fall of Man, (Matthew 4:8 and Revelation 12:9) using education, philosophy, mass media, the Arts, style, culture, entertainment, academia, government, churches, and technology bombarding us with views and laws contradictory of God’s Word. And the Scriptures tell us God destroyed and put to an end mankind because of his wicked imagination (Genesis 6:5,6), too, back then they didn’t and couldn’t even come close to the ease of moving information the way we do and can today.

Technology puts man’s imagination on steroids. God ain’t enough anymore is He? God can wait; got technology now. Everything but God is fast becoming the norm across the board signaling Jesus’ return sooner than we think, (Matthew 24:37-39).

I’ve never been so aware that I’m not of this world, maybe because now I’m older and the world is not about me anymore which helps me feel this way. I doubt it because scripture says I’m in the world but not of it because I’m saved now (John 8:23). Maybe my parent’s felt as I do today about my time, and maybe my parent’s parents felt the same way about my parent’s time. But no matter the generation technology was and is the culprit. It can urge the dark side of man’s imagination incredibly fast because of its capability to mass expose the sinful ways of this world with the intent to magnify and glorify it by how it gets broadcast, and we’re all victimized while new crimes and new lows of morality emerge and counter culture Industries thrive. God ain’t enough anymore is He? He can’t keep up, He’s old school they say, out of style; out of touch.

It’s not that God can’t keep up, the fact is more and more are being left behind. God doesn’t keep up; He wants to keep us from falling further behind then left. Too many are running the wrong way because of non-belief, disobedience or both. The masses are losing ground not God, the masses are out of touch not God; the masses are out of style/old school not God. God wants to pull but because of Satan’s craftiness camouflaged in all the allure we pull away hypnotized believing lies of deception; the con that brags, everybody’s doing it. We voluntarily pimp ourselves to the god of technology and its dark side. Technology was never meant to be an idol but it is now; God ain’t enough anymore is He?

But the born-again have an out written in (1st John 5:4,5) saying; the ones that will overcome the world believe that Jesus is the Son of God in the world but not of it, (John 17:14-16)


Freewill or Faith

After years of being saved, fourteen (14) as a matter of fact, and with the changes in my life because of it, I’m grateful. I was on the road to nowhere shooting at nothing and hitting it every time. My views, position and philosophy of everything was so different. I’m able to say this because I’m living with new approaches and changes because I’m new, and folks, better. My purpose is better, my principles are better, and my mental state is better so says me, and as a result I must beware. Prayer, meditation, spiritual consciousness, Kingdom living as explained in the Holy Bible, and faith has become the more dominant force ruling over me, or is it?

Yesterday my confessions were; I make my bed and sleep in it, call my own shots win or lose, and comfortable with those choices because they help me be me. I didn’t let anyone or anything define me, so I thought. Now I try my best to stand firm on God’s Word, and that’s where I go wrong, by ME trying MY best.

To say I’ll try my best is to say I’m still in control calling the shots but leaving room for God if I error. That’s not faith it’s my freewill, independence; control, and that’s not so in God’s Plan for anybody. God’s Plan for you, me, him, and her, is fixed, already done. Those freewill traits so I thought were honest and true but exposed and defined where my heart was and it surely wasn’t with God so who was I fooling? Me!

It’s my freewill that’ll have me think God’s okay with how I’m handling things now that I’m saved and have changed a lot. It’s my freewill that’ll play religion before I can bat an eye. It’s my freewill to search for my comfort zone for control feeling good about myself. Like in (Luke 18:11) the Pharisee sizing up a man saying, at least I ain’t like that; I dare him. Question, but did you see yourself? Again, that’s not faith, its pride and self-righteousness. Pride controls and uses freewill as an accomplice, but faith relinquishes control so God can use you because without faith you can’t please God, God can’t use you because you’re not useable. (Hebrews 11:6). You use freewill to help yourself. Don’t get me wrong, freewill has its place or God wouldn’t have given it to us, and we wouldn’t be made complete in His image and likeness, (Genesis 1:26, 27), nullifying us as Man. It’s Man and Man only who’ve been given this trait.

There’s an old song titled “There’s a thin line between love and hate”, and so is there too between freewill and faith. Funny how we identify with the song or it wouldn’t have become a hit, but don’t identify with the lyric of the Holy Bible where faith is the measure. Your popularity drops free styling Bible verses. Jesus said in (Matthew 16:30), we see and interpret the signs of weather but ignore the interpretations of the signs of the time.

If you’re in search to exalt yourself wrapped up and disguised in religion, acting above and entertaining too high an opinion of yourself boasting assuming self-righteousness and abusing what you have in spirit and material gain (Matthew23:12), that’s freewill not faith. In other words, do you use freewill to stand on God’s Word or does faith in God’s Word govern your freewill; one you control the other you relinquish for the greater power.

We’ve got to understand the difference between our will, and faith in God’s or we’re defeated; so is Satan by the way.


Consider the Loaves

Because of the fast pace of today’s world if immediate gratification doesn’t happen discontent sets in and we fall deep into ourselves primed to assume self-pity. Eventually when and if gratification does come we’re off running again until immediate gratification falls short and fails us once more, then back into discontent. This hot and cold character makes it seem we’re never satisfied, and that–What have you done for me lately attitude becomes quite the norm causing many debates of why me, and not now to be taken personally. Whatever happened to take time out and smell the roses? Challenges come into our lives all the time but why if not solved right now doubt picks up momentum. What happened to the victories of the past, I’ll tell you; they’re forgotten.

Those victories and successes of yesterday are important building blocks for tomorrow, if forgotten or not recalled, for every challenge you face doubt and failure can be first off your lips giving us a blue print into your mindset showing others whatever life brings your way that’s off track and not understood immediately you’ll seize the moment with discontent and self-pity, after that your doubt leads.

Today everybody and everything has about 30 seconds or less to impress otherwise we’ll tune out or turn off; by that, everything that’ll ever happen to you in life will have a temporary life span with the appearance of being brand new if it occurs again regardless of past victories, so hurt becomes an acceptable reaction, and why?

Jesus had just finished the miracle feeding five thousand men with two fish and five loaves of bread, (Mark 6:38-44). What a victory of miraculous proportions, too, with women and children it could have been as many as fifteen thousand plus. Afterwards, Jesus told the disciples to meet Him in Betasaida on the other side of the sea, but while sailing a severe storm was brewing up about halfway into their journey and the disciples doubted they’d make it; even sink instead when too their surprise saw Jesus walking on the water toward them until He reached the boat. Jesus intended to past them by, but got into the tossing vessel and the winds stop. The twelve were amazed and startled with fear, astonished; Jesus knew right away they’ve already forgotten the miracle of the loaves. Look, nothing Jesus does or what happens around Him supernaturally should have been of any surprise to the chosen followers. (Mark 6:45-52)

Forgetting about the loaves meant the disciples were full of doubt. They ignored or couldn’t recall, perhaps both the recent miracle and past victory Jesus just preformed because of this doubt that rested first in their minds. They could only recognize the now not considering the successes of past events or any history of Jesus who was teaching them first hand. Their building blocks being disregarded had them at square one regardless of what they’ve experienced with Him. They considered not the loaves.

If you consider the loaves/your loaves by not forgetting your victories, but recalling them standing firm and true without doubt, because what God did once He’ll do again, and your dilemmas finding their cure in God’s Word which is part of all our loaves, those dilemmas will not succeed or profit against you and doubt will have a harder time surfacing (Isaiah 54:17).  

When challenges come consider the loaves, when in doubt consider the loaves, if you feel boxed in consider the loaves, discontent consider the loaves, between a rock and a hard place consider the loaves, depressed consider the loaves, stressed consider the loaves, full of anxiety consider the loaves, that which is hard to understand, consider the loaves, and any lie by Satan with possibilities of corruption becoming apparent in your thoughts, consider the loaves. And I’ll add this, If your desires are in agreement with God’s Word; again hold firm, consider the loaves, because the gates of Hell can’t stop them, (Matthew 16:18).


Word of note: In the verse (Matthew 16:18) the church mentioned means people not buildings. The gates of Hell can’t stop what God’s has planned for you, before you do. Considering the loaves in your life removes doubt, but not to consider the loaves, and you’ll most often get out of the gate already at a lost with way too much ground and time to make up.