Destiny yours or God’s

I think everyone has heard the phrase or has used the phrase, “I’m just trying to find myself.” When we use that phrase we fool ourselves pretending the search is on, but in reality all we’re saying is I just want to put myself out there, and while out there I may bump into something good if it crosses my path. Surveys say, if you surround yourself with productive people perhaps it will, but too surround yourself with non-productive people or the counterculture, perhaps it will not. But there’s another variable that most people forget or don’t even acknowledge or consider and that is what God has to say about it. What God has to say about it carries an anointing; sure you say, but how do I know that, and how does it work?

When you’re out there trying to find yourself all kinds of things happen and for reason. You try this, try that, and know you’re good at it and could ace it but you just don’t get the break, you seem to always come close or worse yet, short.

When that happens, YOU’RE chasing YOUR destiny. Some of us are fine with that just getting close stuff because it’s not so bad, it could be worse we say, but for so many of us we ignore that right along side of just getting by there seems to be a something that comes easy, effortless, and you don’t know how or why you’ve got it, you just do and you don’t work at it, it just comes. It’s not work to you at all, because it’s like a part of you and you’re good at it.

Time keeps passing and you’ve been out there trying, but there’s this one thing that never stops being excellent. You can do it all night and all day and never get tired, but that job you work, let me tell you about it, it beets you up or is quite demanding, but it could be worse.

Life goes on and one day Jesus calls and you surrender. No big deal but things begin to happen and you see life with a different set of eyes, you don’t resist because you know it’s good.

To sum it up, if you continue to crave Jesus, how you see everything, even that easy talent you have, takes on a new look. For some reason it gets legs and you feel as if you’re being pushed in that direction. Information rushes at you and your imagination runs wild concerning this talent and what to do with it but you’re doing something else. You take some baby steps in the direction you’re being pushed and you feel fulfillment. It ain’t about money, you can get that, but you can’t get this fulfillment. Soon you began to understand it’s not a coincidence why you’re good at this thing. Your born-again experience is having you realize it’s an anointing and it never was you at all, it’s a gift that’s bigger than you so slowly you start thinking on how to change course because you feel ready to step out in faith.

It’s no longer YOUR destiny, it’s very clear that it’s God’s; you feel it all through your members, but you’re not there yet, you’ve kind of only made the team. You’ve found fulfillment and are thinking about how to clear your plate so you can dive into your anointing and perhaps next, your destiny, the destiny God crowned you with at birth, it’s your time, you’ve found yourself and God through Jesus will do the rest. All you have to do is obedience…Congratulation.


Repetition Good or Bad

Repetition can make things perfect; doing the same thing over and over again can soon make things flawless if all variables remain the same. We’re told to strive toward perfection: but not so fast. Repetition for perfection has a negative side also so we’ve got to be careful.

Learning something so well that you can do it in your sleep weakens you or can gives you a false sense of confidence. Not to have too concentrate leaves your mind to drift. When you’ve done something for so long that you don’t have to concentrate about it, you weaken what you’re doing perfect or not, because if your mind drifts you become valuable to unrelated thoughts. Things creep into your mind that has a tendency to distract and your repetition for perfection can become flawed even though you’ve the ability to correct it if the case presents itself.

We all can say our A B C’s, and we all can say them while we’re doing something else, but can you say them backward the same way you say them forward, or at all. You’d need total concentration for that task, now my point.

Prayer is the same way. Repetitive prayer saying the same thing the same way opens doors for the adversary/Satan to weaken it by filling your mind with thoughts as you pray that’s not about what you’re praying, drifting, influx of unrelated thoughts, surroundings taunting you, how much power do you think that can produce, very little. Those prayers power needle are in need of a surge.

Total concentration involves every cell in your body and the full power generated when all systems are working perfectly are the desired results, and will have absolute power with nothing diluted.

Think about that the next time you wear your headset while doing your job, and think about it when praying the same song the same way and stuff comes into your head like what are you going to do about this, about that, or about the other thing while into your repetitive prayer. Was it good, was it bad, did it have power, or was it week, or don’t you pray at all but say you do.


Wisdom who needs it

If you want to be the wisest and most knowledgeable person in the world read Proverbs and Psalms from the New Century Version Bible by Thomas Nelson.

Understanding comes from God #1, but reading for understanding at your reading level is also most important. The NCV Bible has a reading level that practically anyone with a six grade reading level will comprehend and it’s good reading.

Don’t forget in all you get, get understanding then enjoy the byproduct of the understanding that comes.


Doing Obedience

In all you get, get understanding, (proverbs 4:7). Crossing into the realm where I actually heard God speak to me was a beautiful thing; I was stunned. What God speakes to me is so profound and life changing that in one encounter He mentioned (Isaiah 30:8) to me and asked would I do it as too not just sit on His Revelations in our prayer time? It reads, now write this on a sign/scroll for the people so in days to come this will be a witness forever.

My obedience is doing this blog.
