Man is not an animal 

Man is not part of the animal kingdom, and it’s Man — who’s not all-knowing, who will try by saying different, to humanize God in saying it’s so. The only connection to the animal kingdom which Man wants to tie himself to, is in his teachings of Evolution. Man tries to have us believe we came from apes; if so, which ape, and why can’t all Apes/Primates evolve into humans? Every man knows who their mother is, so it should be quite simple for us to put our finger on what apes are our parents.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God – (Genesis 1:26,27), and God is not an ape. Don’t get me wrong, there’s the fowl — birds; there’s the fish — creatures of the sea/deep, there’s the beast — the animal kingdom, and there’s Man – Godlike; with dominion over it all – (Genesis 1:26), and – (Genesis 1:28). All birds act the same, all fish act the same, all beasts act the same, and man does too, but there’s one difference that separates us from the animal kingdom, and that difference is the ability to form concepts, and have freewill. No bird, fish, or beast, has free will, nor the ability to form concepts to expand its will, but all of life has the same gene that’s consistent in the physical realm. This gene is in all living things, including plants, tying the physical realm together, but not the species.

Man is the only creature who can live below or indifferent of his intended behavior, or nature, but animals can’t. We do this because we’re broken and don’t know how to be who we are – Human, so, we try to lower ourselves, to the animal kingdom too have an excuse to disbelieve God’s creation; yet alone He dwelt among us in the flesh as Jesus/the Word – (John1:14); showing us how to live as God created us — Human, separate from the beast of the animal kingdom.

Jesus in the flesh was a non-broken Human, and scripture tells us, as He is, so are we in this world – (1st John 4:17). Jesus didn’t live indifferent to His nature. He didn’t live as an animal, but as the Son of God, and we too are Sons and Daughters of God – (Genesis 3:26) in all image and likeness with power, and dominion over all thing in and of this world once again, but now through faith in Christ Jesus, so we no longer need to exist broken, acting sub-human, acting as animals; believing broken men’s lies.

Evolution is a lie, Naturalism is a lie, Atheist, your belief in a non-belief system is a lie. [Yes, atheist do believe, it’s just not in God.]

Let me add. All life in the physical realm were once vegetarians before the flood – (Genesis 1:29,30). God created, said what we’re to eat before the flood – (Genesis 1:29). Try to bite into a raw slab of meat without slicing it first Mr. and Mrs. meat eaters.

It is after the flood when life on Earth went predatory – (Genesis 9:3), and survival of the fittest was established as the norm. It was Man’s counterculture that was reason for the flood; his sub-human, beastly, and wicked imagination, was totally indifferent of his intended behavior becoming a broken prototype of his creation; as he also is today – (Genesis 6:5), absent of the image and likeness of our Father God, but a slave to whose job it is to steal, kill, destroy and devoir you – (John 10:10), and – (1st Peter 5:8).

Humans/Man has three species after Jesus’ emergence, they are male, female, and the born-again/saved with the later having no separation of race, creed, color, or sexual origin, and you’re not part of that third species of Man automatically; plus that’s a choice the animal kingdom of birds, fish, and beast can’t make; It’s a gift reserved only for Man/Humans.
