How does Jesus see you

Believers are quick to say — trust in God, give every care and concern to God, let God lead and take care of all things; talk to God first and not as a last resort, and so on. Fine, but where is He and why does He stay so invisible if He exist?

People look at us believers strange and feel we’re copping out for not knowing definitive answers about life in general and use God as a club when we’re lost or have no more to say, but being ever so quick to stick out our chest and say — trust God; trust Him in everything you do; too, if you’re speaking to a non-believer, they might just say what for?

These kinds of expressions come because God continues to be this mystery for the non-knowing. The non-knowing, miss-informed believe that God is somewhere in the great someplace doing His thing if He BE’s — maybe, and how convenient is it for believers to have two forces no one can see; one Good and the other Evil.

People believe believers have this advantage to claim everything good is of God, and blaming everything bad is of Satan. It must be great to have it both ways they’ll say. Well shame on us believers. We need to do a better job if we want people to come on board, not to defend Jesus, but define how Jesus see’s you and me because this could close the gap?  I’ll try to explain with the help from (Zephaniah 3:17) and paraphrasing from “Gills Exposition of the entire Bible”, but first.

It’s a fact that Jesus was born. It’s a fact that His parents were Joseph and Mary. It’s a fact that He was born in Bethlehem, Israel. It’s a fact that He went from town to town, City to City preaching how to live a supernatural lifestyle and healing people supernaturally. It’s a fact that He walked on water, tamed the sea, and healed the lame, the blind, turned water into wine, fed thousands from practically nothing, and raised the dead. It’s a fact He died on a cross, was buried, and rose from the dead, it’s a fact people saw Him, and fellowshipped with Him after three (3) days; also, it’s a fact He ascended into the heavens and it’s a fact He’s returning — just to name a few things. This is who we believers are told to turn all things over to. (Palms 55)

Jesus said just do it, have faith and believe without doubt – never quitting and watch the results, (James 1:6,7). This is why we believers say these things, because it’s been tried and proven — not by a factious character, but by a real man and His Name is JESUS. Jesus a real man says this is so, so do it. Mary, Jesus’ mother said at a wedding to some servers, “Whatever He says, do it.” (John 2:5). [More claims are listed under miracles and blessings found it the Holy Bible.] Mary’s instruction to the servers did not stop at the wedding, it started us on the path of faith, and trust in Jesus period. Her statement that day was the jump start to all biblical speak non-believers say we believers voice and proclaim.

Believers are not telling you to put trust into a fairy tale — but in a real person who proved He’s the Son of God. This person Jesus/our Lord and Savior, told us there’s a Heaven and Hell, plus forces of good and evil not seen, a physical and spiritual world, and that our battle is not with each other, but with a realm of existence trying to have a physical presence in this physical world that contradicts God — working through us, (Ephesians 6:12). And the reason is to take as many people to Hell with them so they can hurt and laugh at God every time He loses one us to their side for all of eternity because of ignorance and their choice of non-belief.

Jesus is not a figment of someone’s imagination, but a real Being sent by God to represent, to save the lost against Satan and Hell, and to show us how life in the physical world can be lived with faith and trust in God His Father, and ours too if we accept who Jesus is and what He came here to do…Whew!

So, this is how Jesus sees us.

Keep in mind, no one can get around this fact if you believe it or not, God is in our midst. Every single word in the Bible carry’s in it something encouraging, with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to the people of God and is the remedy against all fears and inadequacies we’re subject to and Jesus is right in the middle of it all with the Holy Spirit to protect and defend us. This was concluded by His sacrifice on the Cross, and promised even before that event we’d never be alone, (John 14:25,26).  First it was backed/co-signed by God who prophesied it by means of Moses in, (Deuteronomy 31:6) and again inspired by means of the Apostle Paul in (Hebrews 13:5,6).

Jesus and His promise the Holy Spirit is not only nearby, but His divine presents is everywhere; even inside of us once saved, and His love and concerns is with all creatures and creation. Because of this, this gracious presence particularly to His church/the born-again believers who are now His people, the new creatures in Him, (2nd Corinthians 5:17),  Jesus gives us unspeakable joy, and has unequivocal security against all our fears and distresses as He being Lord and Savior, (Isaiah 41:10). And because Jesus is the Being of beings, (Revelation 19:6) eternal, unchanging, incorruptible, and possessor of all divine perfections as almighty God, and our mediator/representative who has all power in heaven and earth as the Man of God’s right hand, [the second part of the Trinity], sacrificed Himself by shedding His blood on the Cross for our sins, iniquities and transgressions; to be remembered no more, (Isaiah 43 :25) saving us all from the pits of Hell, and to deliver us out of the hands of every enemy, to assert His interest and support to help and assist us in our daily lives, also to influence every duty and service He calls us too, this real man, this real man who is God’s Word lived amongst us; this real man – Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, (John 1:14).

Jesus established a new covenant to live by for those now chosen, and He did the same for the lost so they too can receive salvation, seeing that all Heavenly blessings are applied to everyone who comes, and also promising — He’s coming again in a physical nature/presence to put us into full possession of all our blessing once and for all.

Jesus saved us freely, fully, and for everlasting from sin, Satan, the law, and the wrath of God — and every spiritual or temporary enemy so that the church — which are the believers, have nothing to fear be it a person, place, thing, sickness, or disease, (Psalm 91). Jesus rejoices over us with limitless joy, and knowing that should do us great good.

Jesus continues to love us with a love so great and strong that it feels like a physical presence without variation or change; nothing shall separate us from it, again, (Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13: 5,6), and it shall always remain the same (Hebrews 13:8) with no contentment but only with satisfaction that’ll always bless — pleasing everyone who loves Him. He takes the utmost thrill in expressing His love by words and deeds, and will never say one word that’s vindictive or with wrath. He makes every enemy silent to anything that’s contrary to His people. He forgave all our iniquities and heals all our diseases (Psalms103:3) and even has delight in singing over us, His chosen, the born-again, we who are saved that were lost, the new people in Christ. This and more is the source of all Grace that He bestows upon all of us who love Him, and that’s the honest to God truth.

So, I brag to people about Jesus. I’m one of those saying, trust in God, give every care and concern to God, let God lead and take care of all things; talk to God first and not as a last resort, trust in God, give everything to God, let God do it; talk to God about it, and so on, but through Jesus of course.


Word of note: I’m not sure if the Apostle Paul wrote Hebrews but I gave him the credit anyway at the time of this article.