Report for Duty Soldier

Did you know the physical world and life as we’re living it is not of God? All of life since the fall of Man is tainted by sin; that all of life today is a mistake of how God wanted it – so now the God kind of life is in a constant state of War in this realm, too — God is looking for a certain number of Gentiles that will receive Christ before He stamps out sin once and for all, in order that sin doesn’t destroy His creation into extinction giving Satan victory, (Romans 11:25). Are you that number, or will you let pass what’s predestined for you to someone else?
If you didn’t know this, read on.

Life today is a battlefield and Man is the Soldier. The Generals are God and Satan. God tells us Himself; we don’t war against the flesh/each other, (Ephesians 6:12) that reads, We don’t fight/war against flesh and blood, but against forces of the evil and wicked power of spiritual rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Man was already chosen to be with God — as gods, (Psalm 82:6). For God already knew us from the foundations of the world, (Ephesians 1:4), and God knew us before the womb, (Jeremiah 1:5), but not for what life is today. Something went wrong. The God kind of life was attacked by Satan and the War began.

Each of us have special skills to fight this war for God, through the Holy Spirit. Life today is a Tour of Duty; once we’ve served — we go home until the war is over, but there will be casualties on the front.
The battles are so fierce, some of us surrender to the enemy, giving up the fight, or even worse, not signing up to fight at all because of their propaganda, and their lies, which we grasp that are so tempting — ask Adam and Eve; and if we bite, we become lost in battle, or missing in action — a victim of war.

People, take God’s position, and hold your ground; the war is almost over. Victory is near. We have a martyr in Jesus who returned from the dead to prove that it’s so. He came back as Lord and Savior. The populace wrote Him off as a casualty, but they were wrong. Jesus came back victorious over the depraved and demonic spiritual realm of Satan, and the immoral, sinful, abominable physical world with its wickedness and evil; letting us know too, we’re more than conquerors, through Him of course, (Romans 8:34-39).

We don’t know what God’s kind of life is because all we know is this combative way of living. Our lives were to be different but war broke out; everyone since then is born into this conflict. We are wartime babies and we’re to Report for Duty when called, and not act as if struggle is normal, with his survival for the fittest type of engagement expanding and escalating its aggression toward each other.

I stand with God so I can kneel before Him as one who is victorious, (Revelations 3:21), and (Revelations 21:7,8) … and to hell with all that other nonsense.
