Fear No Evil

This title is softer than the subject matter covered in this article.
The ultimate Evil is death, and the Mystery surrounding it strikes Fear for the non-understanding, so let me start.

Death is not final, it’s a process of life. I know that’s hard to perceive, but life in the physical world came from the spiritual world, and death in the physical world is the progression we go through to return to the spiritual world. This procedure became necessary in order to control Evil, it’s a purge.

Do not fear this Evil Saints! This was God’s promise to Adam and Eve if they disobeyed a particular command; those two bought Death into the physical world, Adam specifically, (Romans 5:12).
There’s a saying that goes like this, “A Taste of Honey is worse than none at all.” God did not give us life just so that He can snuff it out in a few short years, leaving it to suffer and rot with sickness and disease and all the other calamities of sin along the way. Man: Adam and Eve, forced God’s hand to impose this prearranged verdict of disobedience.
What kind of God would let other things exist forever except the creation He made in His own image and likeness? That’s cruel; not love, and God is Love, (1st John 4:8).

Jesus, also known as the Word, and who is God, (John 1:1-4) came into this physical world for one purpose and that was to defeat this Evil, (1st Corinthians 15:21,22). Sin is Evil, and the price you pay for dabbling in it is Death.
We’re not perfect like Jesus, so sin — again which is Evil, tempts us as it did Him, but with different results; there’s no escape.
Sin and Evil can be so small and camouflaged, it won’t register in our physical awareness, but it will play havoc causing sickness and disease, pain and suffering, spiritual, and ultimately physical death. Jesus defeated this, but how?

First, Jesus was not murdered. He gave His Life so life can continue beyond what you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. In other words, in a Realm not visible to us but running parallel too our existence right now.
Jesus took a beating so severe it would have killed any other man. Some Executioner’s tried desperately to kill Him by their overly vicious beating as to end His suffering out of mercy, but it didn’t work. Next, they nailed Him to a cross to crucify Him; the most painful, fearful, and inhumane form of death of that day.

Scripture tells us Jesus bore and took our sins to the cross, (1st Peter 2:24). Bearing our sins was more painful than the stripes/beating for Him because His Father turned away and would not gaze upon Him, (Matthew 27:46). For just a few moments Jesus felt the devastation and despair of spiritual death. It was at that moment He who had no sin became sin so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God is what Jesus felt come upon Him, (2nd Corinthians 5:21). It wasn’t long after that Jesus committed His Spirit to His Father and died, (Luke 23:46).

Upon His death, Jesus went straight to Hell; there, His Deity blew the Gates of Hell wide open. Jesus/God had no business there, and Satan along with all his demons and angels bowed before the King of Kings and Lord of lords, and within three days, Satan and his team was brought to nothing, and Jesus left bringing some people with Him, (Matthew 27:52,53).
Death was defeated when Jesus left Hell and returned to the physical world.
What you say!!!! Amen. I wrote myself happy.

Since then, Saints don’t pass that way. Death has no sting, (1st Corinthians 15: 56,57). There is no awareness of Death from the physical world back to the spiritual world for the Saints. That door is closed to them; the transition is not felt, and in the twinkling of an eye life continues, but as it was supposed to be before the fall… Glory be to God.

When God made us in His image and likeness, Death was not His Will, nor His Purpose for us, so He fixed it.

Still don’t understand? Okay, here’s a quick clarification. JESUS… It’s Jesus. Give your life to Jesus, and Fear No Evil.


Author: Gaidi

I’m a believer, born again/saved, and trust God. This was not always the case. What happened to me is what non-believer's choose not to believe; I know because I was one of them. The lie is part of all non-believer's DNA if they know it or not, and the truth is a new DNA you inherit when the lie is removed once saved, which is stated in that all too good to be true statement, in the twinkling of an eye found in the Bible. Also believe it or not, I’m no preacher, Deacon, Trustee, Elder, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelists or any who’s who title carrier of the church, I'm just a disciple of God/Jesus doing obedience which in my opinion covers all the above. If you want, you can reach me at http://www.proverbs4vs7@yahoo.com or http://www.gaidi@proverbs4-7.com

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